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Posted about 12 years ago by [email protected] (InsaneVisions)
Insane Visions is excited to announce the next release, AdaptCMS 2.0.2 now available for download.While being another "minor version", 2.0.2 fixes numerous bugs and improves the stability of the Social set of features.
Posted about 12 years ago
Insane Visions is excited to announce the next release, AdaptCMS 2.0.2 now available for download. While being another "minor version", 2.0.2 fixes numerous bugs and improves the stability of the Social set of features. The big new feature is ... [More] phpBB Integration. While it is not a fully integrated plugin, users can still login currently. Numerous bugs were also fixed - plugin area had numerous issues fixed, ACP Content Sorting, social status update and the Help ACP feature links up correctly. A reported security hole was also fixed in this version as well as a new setup for the plugin file/folder setup. While the list of new features isn't huge, the bugs helped stabilize AdaptCMS even more and most importantly, 2.0.2 is the last release until the rewrite of Adapt into the cakePHP framework. Download AdaptCMS 2.0.2 [Less]
Posted over 12 years ago
A site thats been under work for some time now and powered by AdaptCMS has just been launched, the Tame Impala fan site - Solitude Is Bliss. The newly launched website is a database of sorts of a very underrated young band "Tame Impala", a ... [More] psychedelic rock band with just one full length album but already so many fans. From a bio, gallery of many pictures from live performances to random pics, videos of many of there songs, discography with info and references on all there stuff and a community running phpBB and newly created phpBB-AdaptCMS bridge running, a lot to see. Once again - Solitude Is Bliss Other News Rather than create a seperate post I should note that our sister site Rock Reviews has had a lot of content go live recently. It is currently still an insanevisions website but in the future definitely a possibility of an expansion. A review of the psychedelic Black Angels album "Passover" went live and a few older reviews will be up soon as well as reviews of brand new albums such as the Heartless Bastards "Arrow" and Band of Skulls "Sweet Sour". [Less]
Posted over 12 years ago
It's been a while since the last update, with some progress on 2.0.2 but mainly have let 2.0.1 settle. Work has been started back up, there will be a slight delay with needing some initial brainstorming and the next version of AdaptCMS will be a ... [More] minor update with a more major version coming soon after that. As of now the most significant aspects of 2.0.2 is the phpBB integration and tagging. Even though tagging has been in the system, more importance will be put into it other than simply being a field you can use when adding content in the ACP. As well the social features of AdaptCMS will get some work, mainly in the bug fixing area but also some additions such as group images and an enhanced template. Stay tuned for a blog to detail the changes/additions in the next version. [Less]
Posted over 12 years ago
Progress has slowed after 2.0.1 was released, partially as a break and also trying to figure out which features would end up in which versions. This stalled progress quite a bit but work on AdaptCMS 2.0.2 has slowly started including already with a ... [More] huge feature that will be basic to start with but will be expanded in future AdaptCMS versions, phpbb integration. This is a feature I have wanted to do for really years all the way back to OneCMS. It is already functioning right now, a basic login that checks/validates/logs you into your phpbb build as well as your website. Registration will also be included, but further integration will not be done yet. There have also been some bugs fixed including a glitch with the URL set for plugins. Talking about plugins too there will probably be several in the version including forum builder, likely rss importer and possibly a new one. That's all I can say for now, it's not much but if substantial work can be done in the next week then I'll be posting a blog to talk about some of the new/updated stuff. The delay has also been because of a brand new website I'm launching shortly which I will also be posting about, it will be using AdaptCMS and be sporting that integration with phpBB. Until next time. [Less]
Posted over 12 years ago by [email protected] (InsaneVisions)
Just a quick note thanks to a tip from someone (don't want to mention who without permission) a security hole has been discovered in AdaptCMS. It was in the config.php and involved just a few bits of code, one bit that cleans out COOKIES and such ... [More] that should of been at the top of the file and the other bit that determined if a page was a frontend or backend one. This allowed XSS scripting to gain access to say the admin page without having proper access. [Less]
Posted over 12 years ago
Just a quick note thanks to a tip from someone (don't want to mention who without permission) a security hole has been discovered in AdaptCMS. It was in the config.php and involved just a few bits of code, one bit that cleans out COOKIES and such ... [More] that should of been at the top of the file and the other bit that determined if a page was a frontend or backend one. This allowed XSS scripting to gain access to say the admin page without having proper access. That's why all users of AdaptCMS 2.0.1 are recommended to immediately update your 'config.php' file. This can be done easily without downloading from anywhere, simply login to your admin area and at the top click on "Get the latest AdaptCMS Files". Then simply select the checkbox next to config.php and click proceed at the bottom and you should get a success message. Thank you. [Less]
Posted over 12 years ago by [email protected] (InsaneVisions)
Insane Visions is excited to announce the next release, AdaptCMS 2.0.1 now available for download.
Posted over 12 years ago
Insane Visions is excited to announce the next release, AdaptCMS 2.0.1 now available for download. Despite being a "minor version", this release still packs quite a bit more than we originally planned. The biggest part is a whole lot of bugs fixed ... [More] , from the mod_rewrite to the plugins being fixed and in many other areas. Another part was the security was enhanced, not just improving it in the social area of the site but a newly implemented "SALT" method. This makes it extremely difficult for anyone to hack your website and gain entry as the salt password is randomly generated for each Adapt website and unless they gain access to your MySQL backend, they can't get password hashes. The third part is of course the features! One new feature is the plugins feature was worked on and along with it is new plugins to 2.0 "Sitemap", "TinyURL" and "Affiliates". These let you generate a sitemap on your website automatically for search engines, tinyurl simply gives you short URL's for any link you wish and affiliates is a link manager of sorts, letting you keep a list of affiliates which you can also track traffic out. Administration for the Social feature of Adapt is also now in, letting staff manage user blogs as well as upload new avatars that can be used or delete ones users have uploaded.  There are also many minor features such as being able to select an author when managing content, now being able to leave comments on static pages, new main ACP page (matches version, shows latest news and notes), forgot password feature, two different date formats (june 9, 11 or 5 mins ago), timzone selector and much more. With a short release period expect to see the next version, AdaptCMS 2.0.2, in the next month-month and a half. Download AdaptCMS 2.0.1 [Less]
Posted almost 13 years ago by [email protected] (InsaneVisions)
Insane Visions has announced the major release of AdaptCMS 2.0, available now for download!