115 shared projects Notepad++, DocBook, Simple DirectMedia Layer, PHP, Firebug, Apache OpenOffice, sudo, Thunderbird, MySQL, Bash, phpMyAdmin, GNU grep, GNU Core Utilities, OpenSSH, GNU Automake, Apache HTTP Server, Vim, Wget, Pidgin IM (ex-Gaim), Git, GnuPG, Samba, Linux Kernel, OpenSSL, bzip2, GNU Screen, Common Unix Printing System (CUPS), GNU binutils, GNU tar, GNU Make, GIMP, Nmap Security Scanner, X.Org, Inkscape, libpng, GNU findutils, GDB, rsync, GNOME, cURL, GNU GRUB, GNU sed, GNU C Library, MPlayer, Wireshark, ImageMagick, Python programming language, GNU Autoconf, FFmpeg, LaTeX, BIND9 (Berkeley Internet Name Domain), udev, GNU gettext, CVS: Concurrent Versions System, Evince, Audacity, K3b, The FreeType Project, OpenVPN, mutt, MediaWiki, X-Chat, Pango, librsvg, Wine, FLAC - Free Lossless Audio Codec, Smartmontools - S.M.A.R.T. Disk Monitoring Tools, GNU Parted, D-Bus, xine - a free video player, GStreamer, GTK, BitTorrent, Perl, Eclipse IDE for Java, libxml2, tcpdump, LAME (Lame Ain't an MP3 Encoder), Cairo, Mailman, VI, fontconfig, Apache SpamAssassin, libvorbis, KDE, Gawk, GnuTLS, Mesa, BusyBox, Bugzilla, Postfix, libjpeg, NetworkManager, GNU Aspell, WordPress, Mozilla Firefox, GNU Libtool, GLib, FUSE, pkg-config, xterm, Trac, Valgrind, libogg, Ghostscript, Doxygen, Konqueror, Amarok, AWStats Log Analyzer, WinSCP, GNU Emacs, PulseAudio, Qt 4, QEMU, GNU Compiler Collection
54 unique projects Ruby, GNU Midnight Commander, lighttpd, WPA/WPA2/IEEE 802.1X Supplicant, metacity, ACPI, zsh, htop, Squid Cache, Linux NTFS file system support, strace, GNU nano, CakePHP, jQuery, PuTTY, Web Developer (Browser Add-on), Prototype Javascript Framework, VLC media player, TortoiseSVN, GNU Diff Utilities, gzip, HAL, Debian, Adblock Plus, Gentoo Linux, Mozilla Add-ons, GD, Apache Subversion, Clam AntiVirus, SQLite, Oracle VM VirtualBox, memtest86+, rdesktop, Dia, PostgreSQL Database Server, FileZilla, Totem, iptables, dpkg, irssi, Cygwin, GraphViz, OpenLDAP, gedit, Nautilus, DejaVu fonts, file, dotnetopenid, Zend Framework, Infinitas, Croogo, Chromium (Google Chrome), Foafpress, Dimdim
92 shared projects Apache HTTP Server, MySQL, PHP, Firebug, phpMyAdmin, Bash, Linux Kernel, Apache OpenOffice, GNU grep, sudo, GIMP, GNU tar, Vim, OpenSSL, Thunderbird, MPlayer, Pidgin IM (ex-Gaim), GTK, LaTeX, GNU Compiler Collection, rsync, GNU Screen, Common Unix Printing System (CUPS), Python programming language, GNU Autoconf, X.Org, OpenSSH, GNU Core Utilities, Wget, GNU GRUB, GNU Make, GNU findutils, bzip2, GNOME, GNU sed, Samba, GnuPG, Git, ImageMagick, GDB, Wireshark, Mozilla Firefox, GNU C Library, Nmap Security Scanner, GNU binutils, cURL, FFmpeg, GNU Automake, Wine, Perl, Inkscape, BIND9 (Berkeley Internet Name Domain), tcpdump, LAME (Lame Ain't an MP3 Encoder), Postfix, Eclipse IDE for Java, udev, Audacity, GNU Libtool, GNU gettext, Trac, GLib, FUSE, GNU Parted, FLAC - Free Lossless Audio Codec, Evince, libvorbis, Apache SpamAssassin, libpng, Valgrind, Smartmontools - S.M.A.R.T. Disk Monitoring Tools, Gawk, CVS: Concurrent Versions System, KDE, Ghostscript, D-Bus, libogg, K3b, pkg-config, BitTorrent, xterm, WordPress, NetworkManager, OpenVPN, libjpeg, The FreeType Project, Amarok, WinSCP, GStreamer, Doxygen, MediaWiki, mutt
22 unique projects Apache Subversion, PuTTY, GNU Diff Utilities, Debian, VLC media player, SQLite, gzip, PostgreSQL Database Server, FileZilla, memtest86+, dpkg, Adblock Plus, TortoiseSVN, Oracle VM VirtualBox, GraphViz, HAL, Clam AntiVirus, Cygwin, irssi, iptables, Nautilus, Web Developer (Browser Add-on)
85 shared projects mutt, Vim, X.Org, GNU Screen, GNU Compiler Collection, Linux Kernel, Bash, GNU grep, GNU tar, GNU Make, GNU Core Utilities, sudo, Mozilla Firefox, GNU GRUB, OpenSSH, Apache HTTP Server, Wget, GIMP, GNU findutils, Apache OpenOffice, MySQL, OpenSSL, rsync, bzip2, PHP, GNU sed, GnuPG, MPlayer, Common Unix Printing System (CUPS), ImageMagick, GDB, Thunderbird, GNU binutils, GNU C Library, Nmap Security Scanner, GNU Autoconf, GNU Automake, Python programming language, cURL, Wireshark, Git, Firebug, LaTeX, Perl, FFmpeg, tcpdump, BIND9 (Berkeley Internet Name Domain), Inkscape, GNU Libtool, LAME (Lame Ain't an MP3 Encoder), udev, Apache SpamAssassin, GNU gettext, FUSE, GLib, CVS: Concurrent Versions System, libvorbis, Trac, libpng, Smartmontools - S.M.A.R.T. Disk Monitoring Tools, FLAC - Free Lossless Audio Codec, libogg, Evince, GNU Parted, D-Bus, pkg-config, Ghostscript, Gawk, The FreeType Project, KDE, K3b, Amarok, GnuTLS, OpenVPN, GNU Aspell, xine - a free video player, xterm, GStreamer, Mailman, X-Chat, libxml2, Konqueror, BusyBox, VI, QEMU
18 unique projects irssi, Enlightenment (e16), Apache Subversion, GNU Diff Utilities, PuTTY, VLC media player, Debian, memtest86+, HAL, dpkg, gzip, GraphViz, file, Adblock Plus, iptables, Dia, Squid Cache, PTXdist
83 shared projects Mozilla Firefox, Apache HTTP Server, MySQL, PHP, phpMyAdmin, Firebug, Bash, Linux Kernel, Apache OpenOffice, GNU grep, GIMP, sudo, GNU tar, X.Org, GNU Compiler Collection, GNU Core Utilities, Vim, GNU GRUB, GNU Make, Wget, OpenSSL, OpenSSH, GNU findutils, rsync, bzip2, GNU Screen, GNU sed, GnuPG, Thunderbird, MPlayer, Common Unix Printing System (CUPS), Samba, ImageMagick, GNOME, Pidgin IM (ex-Gaim), GDB, Nmap Security Scanner, GNU binutils, GNU C Library, GNU Autoconf, Python programming language, cURL, GNU Automake, Wireshark, GTK, FFmpeg, Git, GNU gettext, Wine, libvorbis, Perl, BIND9 (Berkeley Internet Name Domain), GNU Libtool, Apache SpamAssassin, FUSE, tcpdump, Valgrind, Gawk, GnuTLS, Inkscape, FLAC - Free Lossless Audio Codec, xterm, WordPress, Postfix, udev, Ghostscript, Amarok, LAME (Lame Ain't an MP3 Encoder), Eclipse IDE for Java, The FreeType Project, Doxygen, GLib, CVS: Concurrent Versions System, Trac, Smartmontools - S.M.A.R.T. Disk Monitoring Tools, libpng, KDE, Audacity, OpenVPN, BitTorrent, mutt, WinSCP, Mailman
15 unique projects Apache Subversion, PuTTY, VLC media player, GNU Diff Utilities, Debian, SQLite, PostgreSQL Database Server, GraphViz, TortoiseSVN, dpkg, gzip, irssi, Adblock Plus, FileZilla, Cygwin
75 shared projects PHP, phpMyAdmin, Apache OpenOffice, GNU grep, X.Org, GNU GRUB, sudo, GNU Make, GNU findutils, OpenSSL, GNU sed, GnuPG, Vim, OpenSSH, Nmap Security Scanner, GNU binutils, BIND9 (Berkeley Internet Name Domain), GLib, libogg, Mozilla Firefox, Bash, Linux Kernel, GNU tar, GDB, GTK, cURL, libjpeg, FLAC - Free Lossless Audio Codec, D-Bus, GNU Parted, fontconfig, Apache SpamAssassin, librsvg, Cairo, Apache HTTP Server, GIMP, GNU Core Utilities, GNU Compiler Collection, rsync, GNU Screen, ImageMagick, MPlayer, bzip2, GNU Autoconf, GNU Automake, LaTeX, tcpdump, GNU Libtool, udev, GNU gettext, FFmpeg, libvorbis, Smartmontools - S.M.A.R.T. Disk Monitoring Tools, libpng, pkg-config, Evince, Gawk, Ghostscript, xine - a free video player, Postfix, Pango, The FreeType Project, MySQL, Common Unix Printing System (CUPS), Wget, Samba, GNU C Library, Wireshark, GnuTLS, FUSE, GNU Aspell, GnomeVFS, Valgrind, Firebug, GNU Emacs
6 unique projects memtest86+, Apache Subversion, GNU Diff Utilities, HAL, Apache JMeter, Red5
86 shared projects Mozilla Firefox, GNU tar, OpenSSH, GNU Screen, GNU Autoconf, Apache OpenOffice, GIMP, X.Org, GNU C Library, libvorbis, FLAC - Free Lossless Audio Codec, Apache HTTP Server, MySQL, PHP, phpMyAdmin, GNU Core Utilities, udev, Konqueror, Bash, GNU Make, OpenSSL, bzip2, Samba, LAME (Lame Ain't an MP3 Encoder), Linux Kernel, MPlayer, GNU grep, Nmap Security Scanner, GLib, sudo, GNU Compiler Collection, Vim, GNU GRUB, Wine, Wget, ImageMagick, FFmpeg, GNOME, GNU binutils, Wireshark, GTK, GNU Aspell, GNU Automake, cURL, libogg, FUSE, pkg-config, Mesa, GNU gettext, libpng, D-Bus, Smartmontools - S.M.A.R.T. Disk Monitoring Tools, GNU Parted, libjpeg, X-Chat, Bugzilla, Cairo, libxml2, librsvg, The FreeType Project, K3b, GStreamer, Python programming language, Ghostscript, NetworkManager, Pango, Perl, Trac, Audacity, Amarok, xine - a free video player, KDE, BitTorrent, xterm, LaTeX, VI, Eclipse IDE for Java, fontconfig, GNU Libtool, Git, Thunderbird, Pidgin IM (ex-Gaim), Postfix, Firebug, Doxygen, WordPress
21 unique projects Podi ZLib Data Compression Library, Debian, GNU Diff Utilities, Apache Subversion, PuTTY, dpkg, VLC media player, gzip, memtest86+, HAL, Totem, DejaVu fonts, Gentoo Linux, GraphViz, Adblock Plus, TortoiseSVN, Nautilus, SQLite, Cygwin, FileZilla, Web Developer (Browser Add-on)
92 shared projects Mozilla Firefox, PHP, Vim, rsync, Linux Kernel, Apache HTTP Server, MySQL, sudo, GNU grep, GNU tar, GnuPG, Git, Apache OpenOffice, GLib, Trac, GNU GRUB, OpenSSL, OpenSSH, Common Unix Printing System (CUPS), MPlayer, ImageMagick, GNU C Library, GNU Parted, libpng, libvorbis, Smartmontools - S.M.A.R.T. Disk Monitoring Tools, libogg, Ghostscript, pkg-config, libjpeg, OpenVPN, GNU Aspell, GNU Emacs, Simple DirectMedia Layer, Samba, Pidgin IM (ex-Gaim), GNU Autoconf, Inkscape, LAME (Lame Ain't an MP3 Encoder), udev, X.Org, GIMP, Wget, GNU Core Utilities, Nmap Security Scanner, Wireshark, Valgrind, BitTorrent, The FreeType Project, WordPress, FFmpeg, GNU Automake, GNU Libtool, Audacity, Wine, GTK, tcpdump, Gawk, K3b, NetworkManager, GStreamer, VI, PulseAudio, GNU sed, phpMyAdmin, GNOME, cURL, LaTeX, Doxygen, MediaWiki, Mesa, BusyBox, Bugzilla, Bash, GNU Compiler Collection, GNU Make, GNU findutils, bzip2, Python programming language, GNU binutils, GDB, BIND9 (Berkeley Internet Name Domain), Postfix, FUSE, GNU gettext, Evince, libxml2, Cairo, QEMU, Notepad++, Pango, GNU Bison
32 unique projects C!, PuTTY, VLC media player, Apache Subversion, GNU Diff Utilities, memtest86+, dpkg, HAL, iptables, rdesktop, Dia, GD, Aptitude, Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA), Debian, FileZilla, GraphViz, Oracle VM VirtualBox, zlib, gzip, Adblock Plus, GNU nano, Linux NTFS file system support, strace, DOSBox, CAMotics, file, Squid Cache, SQLite, GNOME Terminal, Rhythmbox, Blender 3D
79 shared projects GIMP, Common Unix Printing System (CUPS), udev, GNU findutils, GNU Automake, libxml2, librsvg, Cairo, Postfix, Mesa, Wine, sudo, GNU Libtool, GNU sed, GTK, FUSE, GLib, MPlayer, libjpeg, GnomeVFS, Apache OpenOffice, GNU Compiler Collection, fontconfig, cdrdao, MySQL, Linux Kernel, Evince, Apache SpamAssassin, ImageMagick, Bash, bzip2, Valgrind, Mozilla Firefox, GNU binutils, xine - a free video player, Wget, Gawk, GNU gettext, GNU tar, GNU Screen, GNU Parted, GNU grep, LaTeX, pkg-config, GNU Aspell, GnuPG, Inkscape, Nmap Security Scanner, GNU Autoconf, FFmpeg, Wireshark, GNU C Library, rsync, libogg, D-Bus, The FreeType Project, NetworkManager, GNOME, GNU Core Utilities, GNU GRUB, PHP, BusyBox, libpng, GnuTLS, Pango, LAME (Lame Ain't an MP3 Encoder), Apache HTTP Server, OpenSSL, Vim, FLAC - Free Lossless Audio Codec, Smartmontools - S.M.A.R.T. Disk Monitoring Tools, X.Org, GNU Make, GDB, GStreamer, Libglade, OpenSSH, BIND9 (Berkeley Internet Name Domain), libvorbis
18 unique projects GKSu, GNU Diff Utilities, metacity, GNU M4, avahi, Apache Subversion, gThumb image viewer and browser, DejaVu fonts, gconf, Totem, Eye of GNOME, Nautilus, HAL, dpkg, Sound Juicer, Glade User Interface Designer, libxslt, Rygel
81 shared projects GIMP, GNU C Library, Mozilla Firefox, Linux Kernel, MySQL, Firebug, Apache HTTP Server, sudo, X.Org, GNU Compiler Collection, GNU Core Utilities, Vim, Wget, GDB, GNU gettext, Ghostscript, GnuTLS, Bash, MPlayer, Python programming language, libvorbis, GNU grep, Apache OpenOffice, pkg-config, PHP, GNU GRUB, GNU sed, Thunderbird, Wireshark, Git, MediaWiki, phpMyAdmin, GNU tar, libogg, xine - a free video player, GNU Make, Nmap Security Scanner, FFmpeg, GNU Libtool, FUSE, Valgrind, OpenSSH, bzip2, GNU binutils, LaTeX, udev, Trac, NetworkManager, BitTorrent, Mesa, OpenSSL, GTK, D-Bus, GNU findutils, K3b, libjpeg, GNU Aspell, rsync, GnuPG, Common Unix Printing System (CUPS), Samba, cURL, GNU Automake, FLAC - Free Lossless Audio Codec, GNU Parted, Audacity, xterm, libxml2, Qt 4, GNU Screen, GNOME, ImageMagick, GNU Autoconf, GLib, libpng, LAME (Lame Ain't an MP3 Encoder), KDE, Amarok, Konqueror, WordPress, WinSCP
17 unique projects TortoiseSVN, Apache Subversion, PuTTY, dpkg, Mozilla Add-ons, Debian, SQLite, Totem, DejaVu fonts, GNU Diff Utilities, memtest86+, HAL, VLC media player, gzip, Nautilus, iptables, Adblock Plus
74 shared projects MySQL, GNU grep, OpenSSL, GNU Libtool, libvorbis, GnuTLS, ImageMagick, bzip2, GNU Aspell, Mozilla Firefox, GNU GRUB, GNU Automake, GTK, Ghostscript, Python programming language, Apache HTTP Server, GNU Make, MPlayer, BusyBox, phpMyAdmin, rsync, OpenSSH, PHP, librsvg, Bash, D-Bus, Apache OpenOffice, FLAC - Free Lossless Audio Codec, GIMP, GnuPG, Apache SpamAssassin, Pango, X.Org, GNU C Library, GNU Parted, GNU Compiler Collection, libjpeg, xine - a free video player, Nmap Security Scanner, Wireshark, Gawk, GNU Core Utilities, GNU sed, libogg, Vim, Samba, Smartmontools - S.M.A.R.T. Disk Monitoring Tools, Common Unix Printing System (CUPS), GDB, libpng, Mailman, Wget, Postfix, The FreeType Project, pkg-config, NetworkManager, sudo, GNU Screen, cURL, Linux Kernel, GNU tar, GNU binutils, fontconfig, Thunderbird, udev, FFmpeg, Cairo, Perl, GNU findutils, BIND9 (Berkeley Internet Name Domain), tcpdump, GLib, GNU Autoconf, LAME (Lame Ain't an MP3 Encoder)
10 unique projects GraphViz, rdesktop, DejaVu fonts, memtest86+, Totem, PuTTY, GNU Diff Utilities, HAL, Clam AntiVirus, Apache Subversion
82 shared projects Mozilla Firefox, GNU tar, GNU Compiler Collection, X.Org, bzip2, GNOME, Wine, tcpdump, Audacity, MySQL, PHP, Apache OpenOffice, Pidgin IM (ex-Gaim), GNU C Library, LAME (Lame Ain't an MP3 Encoder), Smartmontools - S.M.A.R.T. Disk Monitoring Tools, Valgrind, Apache HTTP Server, GIMP, Samba, Firebug, GNU findutils, phpMyAdmin, sudo, OpenSSH, GNU GRUB, Bash, Linux Kernel, Vim, GNU grep, Trac, GNU sed, GnuPG, Perl, udev, Git, GTK, GNU Make, Wget, GNU Core Utilities, Thunderbird, OpenSSL, ImageMagick, rsync, GNU Screen, Wireshark, GNU Libtool, Apache SpamAssassin, LaTeX, Python programming language, GNU Autoconf, Postfix, GNU Parted, libpng, Common Unix Printing System (CUPS), FUSE, WinSCP, FFmpeg, Inkscape, GNU gettext, Evince, FLAC - Free Lossless Audio Codec, MPlayer, GNU binutils, GDB, cURL, Nmap Security Scanner, GNU Automake, BIND9 (Berkeley Internet Name Domain), libogg, CVS: Concurrent Versions System, Eclipse IDE for Java, Ghostscript, BitTorrent, WordPress, KDE, Gawk, libvorbis, K3b, OpenVPN, xterm, pkg-config
16 unique projects Apache Subversion, PostgreSQL Database Server, PuTTY, FileZilla, VLC media player, Debian, memtest86+, Oracle VM VirtualBox, GNU Diff Utilities, gzip, TortoiseSVN, SQLite, Adblock Plus, dpkg, GraphViz, Clam AntiVirus
80 shared projects OpenVPN, pkg-config, K3b, D-Bus, WordPress, Ghostscript, libogg, CVS: Concurrent Versions System, Smartmontools - S.M.A.R.T. Disk Monitoring Tools, Valgrind, Apache SpamAssassin, libvorbis, KDE, Gawk, Trac, libpng, FLAC - Free Lossless Audio Codec, Evince, GNU gettext, GNU Parted, GLib, Audacity, FUSE, GNU Libtool, udev, LAME (Lame Ain't an MP3 Encoder), Postfix, Eclipse IDE for Java, BIND9 (Berkeley Internet Name Domain), tcpdump, LaTeX, Perl, GTK, Inkscape, GNU Automake, FFmpeg, Nmap Security Scanner, Wine, GNU Autoconf, Wireshark, GDB, cURL, GNU binutils, GNU C Library, Pidgin IM (ex-Gaim), MPlayer, ImageMagick, Samba, Common Unix Printing System (CUPS), GnuPG, Python programming language, Thunderbird, GNOME, GNU sed, Git, GNU Screen, bzip2, rsync, GNU findutils, OpenSSL, GNU GRUB, GNU Make, Wget, GNU Core Utilities, X.Org, Vim, GNU Compiler Collection, OpenSSH, GNU tar, Apache OpenOffice, sudo, GNU grep, Linux Kernel, Bash, phpMyAdmin, Firebug, PHP, MySQL, Apache HTTP Server, Mozilla Firefox
17 unique projects Homebrew, Ruby Jekyll, TensorFlow, TortoiseSVN, Oracle VM VirtualBox, FileZilla, memtest86+, dpkg, Adblock Plus, PostgreSQL Database Server, gzip, SQLite, Debian, GNU Diff Utilities, VLC media player, PuTTY, Apache Subversion