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Posted about 15 years ago
One thing to remember: when using a date for the title of an article, it becomes very clear how long I take to update my blog. :P[read the full article]
Posted about 15 years ago
Alexandre Prokoudine writes:The Libre Graphics Meeting (LGM) is an annual workshop for developers and users of free software graphics applications to collaborate and advance the cause of high-quality free graphics software.For four years, the Libre ... [More] Graphics Meeting has been the premiere conference for developers, users and supporters of free software graphics applications. Developers from projects [...] [Less]
Posted about 15 years ago
Intro to Bezier Curves with a Twist is on. DIMDIM is fixed (at least Dipingo can?t break it)>>>NEW CLASS DATE Announced! <<< Name: Curves and Surface modellingDescription: This class will teach you how to use bezier curves and Nurbs ... [More] sufaces to make you models quickly and efficientlyCost: $10USDDate: 22nd April (Local to Michael Fox) In the US it will be April 21stTime: Noon (GMT 10) Which is 9pm EDT Topics: -Intro to principles of curves-Bezier Curves modelling -Beveled/Tapered curves modelling -Revolved Surfaces -Text Objects -NURBS surfacesPossible extentions: These will be done is demand is high enough (if there is atleast 15 paying people attending) - SVG import - Grease Pencil to sketch curves and make them usable - Basic Curves animation, hooks and shapekeysBy paying for these classes you are helping us to bring in these presenters to lend you some of there expertise. You are also keeping this resource open for the whole blender community.Thank you, and i can?t wait to see you there. [Less]
Posted about 15 years ago
Hey everyone!With the holiday weekend and everyone working on various projects, this last week was a little quieter than normal. The only real news to report is that last weekend?s meeting and deadline will be moved to this following weekend. This is ... [More] because so few people were available during this last week.Just a cue on what?s up for this week- this weekend should see us close to complete on the storyboards, and the completion of the FMS. It?s looking like the FMS may not be ready that quickly, and we ... [Less]
Posted about 15 years ago
Well, we more or less took last week off. I mean, not completely off, but a lil' bit off.And it did me good! I'm now more energized than ever to keep going. I was looking at the whole film yesterday, absorbing it, trying to get an idea of where we ... [More] are- it's energizing. I'm going to concentrate my energies this week on seeing if I can get a ton of little stuff completed, so I can move onto some big meaty stuff next week.I'm working on some sequences of the "Space Laser" shooting "Earth". It's pretty rad.Ian HubertWriter, Director [Less]
Posted about 15 years ago
"Cocedi" (meaning "Neighbours") is a short Russian animation made in Blender.  I especially like the intro sequence, which is a good mesh between visuals and music.Gumanoed writes:Makhail Soluyanov (aka Crantisz) released animation movie called ... [More] "Cocedi" (neighbours). As it wrote on the project site:"What's the movie about? It's about eternal - about people, their relations. Intrigues, [...] [Less]
Posted about 15 years ago
The look and feel of an image is very important for any kind of rendering related to architectural visualization. The challenge to produce a photo real image is sometimes difficult to overcome, and may let some artists disappointed with their first ... [More] results. I see that all the time with my students, since they want all [...]Related posts:The new Layer Blending feature of Indigo brings Multilight to Blender? What is this feature called Multilight? This is an incredible...Interior design with Blender 3D and Indigo Renderer I`m working at a very simple project now, you may...Tips to improve realism in rendering To represent an architectural project, a 3d artist has to... [Less]
Posted about 15 years ago
You can help the MakeHuman team by creating model morph targers with their new script, makeTarget.Pistol Ioan Alexandru wrote:How to help us?learning to use maketarget (2 minutes?) modelling cool targets sending them to [email protected] course ... [More] , even if cool targets from skilled artists are already welcome (fantasy, toons, sci-fi, etc..), better to contact us to ask [...] [Less]
Posted about 15 years ago
Premiering April 17th and again on April 19th 12pm PDT or 3pm EST! Two chances for you to get in on this amazing class.Mini-Workshop: UV TexturingOver the course of approximately 3 hours,  OOPz will explain and demonstrate the techniques required ... [More] for advanced UV texturing and his preferred methods to create the images.Minimal Blender knowledge is required to attend this workshop but it will be helpful if you have basic mesh skills.Topics: UV mappingLSCM (Unwrapping)Texture theory?Map to? types and applicationNormal mappingTexture RenderingTilable renderingTexture BakingPutting it all togetherTweakingHigh Poly (half a million faces).Low Poly (a few thousand faces).Final (what you should be able to produce by the end).Be aware: Whilst the focus of this workshop will be primarily low poly realtime art, These techniques are also relevant for high poly/render work. Also, I will not be aiming specifically at blender?s engine so absolutely no game engine knowledge is required.Due to the current (temporary) technical issues with the Dimdim screen sharing application this will be presented as a set of approximately 10minute ?lesson? sections, each followed by roughly the same length of time for you to try it the techniques yourself (while I do Q A).Cost: $15 per seat for approximately 3 hours of class time. For this class all proceeds will go directly to OOPz. He needs a new Hard drive. If you can afford to contribute to his purchase but can?t make the class please do.Everyone that signs up will get a recording of the class, when it becomes availible. [Less]
Posted about 15 years ago
I got a lucky break this week.I've been working on a few individual sequences, and one of the sequences had a dozen "easy shots"; -just layering some atmospheric vapor over a series of quick cuts. Mmmm- I haven't had any of those for a while.I'm ... [More] munching on flaxseeds. They are not so delicious.For the first time I'm really feeling like the end is in sight- an incredible feeling. I'm looking at all these sequences going, "Yeah... yeah! This is doable!"There's still the big ending sequence, but I'm going to have some epic help on that one (more on that later!)Ian HubertWriter Director [Less]