Although computers have transformed how we listen to, obtain, compose, and notate music, they have not fundamentally changed how we research and analyze music. Though many computer databases have been created for musicology, they are not well adapted for sophisticated music queries. For instance
... [More], melodies can be found if exact matches exist. But melodic variations such as the repetition of a phrase or a change in embellishment are extremely common, yet cause searches to fail. More complex investigations, such as finding all melodies that imply a particular underlying harmony, can barely begin to be created with existing software packages. The lack of relevant software for analyzing music hampers scientific attempts to understand what we listen for and how we process what we hear; these act [Less]
Mutabor is a software, that allows to retune MIDI instuments in realtime. This allows a musician to use tone systems and pitch spaces which are outside of the scope of keyboard instruments, e.g. just intonation (Tonnetz) as described bei Martin Vogel or fast changing tunings as it is necessary for
... [More] comparing tunings.
The tuning is controlled by a tuning logic, which is written in the Mutabor language, a programming language that has been developed to be easy to understand by musicians, which are not familiar with programming languages. [Less]
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