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Koha Library Automation Package


  Analyzed 1 day ago

Koha is a Library Automation Package (Integrated Library Management System) released under the General Public License (GPLv3 or later)

648K lines of code

78 current contributors

10 months since last commit

39 users on Open Hub

Low Activity
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  Analyzed about 9 hours ago

VuFind® is a discovery system designed and developed for libraries by libraries. It is also flexible enough to build search interfaces for all kinds of content beyond the library environment. The goal of VuFind® is to enable your users to search and browse through all of your resources in a single ... [More] consistent and user-friendly interface. Content could include: * Catalog records * Open access content * Digitized library materials * Other collections and resources — just add metadata! VuFind® is completely modular and includes tools to support a wide range of use cases, from a basic Library catalog search to a sophisticated dashboard of data from many sources. It supports building a local index and/or integrating with a variety of existing third-party services. [Less]

341K lines of code

24 current contributors

about 17 hours since last commit

13 users on Open Hub

High Activity
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  Analyzed 3 days ago

An enterprise-class Integrated Library System (ILS).

1.18M lines of code

47 current contributors

4 days since last commit

11 users on Open Hub

High Activity
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Claimed by DuraSpace Analyzed 1 day ago

An open source solution for accessing, managing, and preserving scholarly works.

421K lines of code

32 current contributors

3 days since last commit

9 users on Open Hub

Very High Activity
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  Analyzed 8 months ago

Invenio is a free software suite enabling you to run your own digital library or document repository on the web. The technology offered by the software covers all aspects of digital library management from document ingestion through classification, indexing, and curation to dissemination. Invenio ... [More] complies with standards such as the Open Archives Initiative metadata harvesting protocol (OAI-PMH) and uses MARC 21 as its underlying bibliographic format. The flexibility and performance of Invenio make it a comprehensive solution for management of document repositories of moderate to large sizes (several millions of records). [Less]

383K lines of code

49 current contributors

9 months since last commit

9 users on Open Hub

Activity Not Available
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Fedora Digital Object Repository


Claimed by DuraSpace Analyzed 3 days ago

The Fedora Digital Object Repository is a robust platform that enables the storage, access, and management of virtually any kind of digital content.

305K lines of code

1 current contributors

5 days since last commit

8 users on Open Hub

Low Activity
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  Analyzed 2 days ago

MyCoRe is a general framework for creating content repositories, mainly intended for digital archives or libraries, usually for universities. It is jointly developed by several German universities.

260K lines of code

17 current contributors

24 days since last commit

6 users on Open Hub

Moderate Activity
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  Analyzed 1 day ago

Kete provides a platform for developing community contributed content. Kete allows uploading of different types of content: topics (html text based content), documents, audio files, images, movies and links. Kete is the māori word for basket, in the Kete system a basket is the overall ... [More] organising structure for content. Beyond baskets content is organised by the community using tagging and relating pieces of content to each other. Kete is developed with Ruby on Rails, utilizes Zebra z39.50 full text indexing engine developed by IndexData, is fully compatible with Koha, and will be released under a GNU General Public License (GPL). [Less]

130K lines of code

0 current contributors

over 6 years since last commit

6 users on Open Hub

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  No analysis available

DocPortal is a sample application of MyCoRe which can be used as a publication server, e.g. for documents, dissertations and postdoctoral theses. Documents such as dissertations and postdoctoral theses can be registered with its metadata. The metadata registered with an enlarged metadata set ... [More] are searchable in DocPortal. Depending on the used hardware and software a full-text search is also possible. In addition to DocPortal, several MyCoRe applications can run on one system. You can, for example, operate a dissertation server next to a server for a photo collection and a general publication server on the same system. With DocPortal you see a simple publication server, which provides an insight view into the functionality of MyCoRe. [Less]

0 lines of code

0 current contributors

0 since last commit

5 users on Open Hub

Activity Not Available
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Mostly written in language not available
Licenses: gpl



  No analysis available

MARC/Perl (formerly known as MARC.pm) is a project to develop Perl libraries to process MARC (MAchine Readable Cataloging) data.

0 lines of code

0 current contributors

0 since last commit

4 users on Open Hub

Activity Not Available
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Mostly written in language not available
Licenses: Artistic_...