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Posted about 10 years ago
The ever present challenge of deploying microcontroller circuits to remote locations and upgrading the code on the go is elegantly solved by combining OpenWrt routers with Texas Instruments Tiva C Launchpad device, connected via USB. This ARM based ... [More] development board contains a USB-UART bridge as well as a JTAG programmer and debugger, allowing for easy communication and programming. By porting the lm4flash utility to OpenWrt, we can now easily program and possibly debug remote deployments based on this board. Read more, comment, like, share ... [Less]
Posted about 10 years ago
Busy spring months finally lead to operational outdoor prototype generation 3 and quickly followed by the generation 4, testing a range of new technical solutions and implementing many more features. Wireless optical system KORUZA is now being ... [More] tested over longer periods of time outdoors, observing the behaviour and identifying what will cause errors and link failures. With the outcomes the generation 5 prototypes will be constructed, working towards a larger scale world-wide experiment. Simultaneously we will be releasing as open-source a range of standalone sub-systems of KORUZA, enabling people to experiment in low-cost optics labs and play with some cool electronics solutions. Read more, comment, like, share ... [Less]
Posted about 10 years ago
In order to support easy control and monitoring of KORUZA deployments on OpenWrt devices we have developed a simple architecture that enables multiple processes to communicate with the KORUZA device over the serial port at the same time. The ... [More] developed solution allows for the router to communicate with a serial device, for example an interactive shell for direct user control with real-time feedback, as well as simultaneous data collection for logging or use by the nodewatcher system. All this can be used in many applications, from sensor data collection to robot control, from device power management electronics to home automation. Read more, comment, like, share ... [Less]
Posted about 10 years ago
NLnet foundation has awarded a grant for development of the wireless gigabit optical system KORUZA to Luka Mustafa - Musti and his newly founded non-profit NGO Institute IRNAS Rače, aimed at providing formal support and create a working environment ... [More] for development of open-source systems, combining and integrating knowledge ranging from mechanical design and 3D printing, to electronics and software development of nodewatcher and other applications. Read more, comment, like, share ... [Less]
Posted about 10 years ago
wlan slovenija is again participating in Google Summer of Code (under Freifunk umbrella) and student applications are now open. Deadline is March 21. If you are a student and want to contribute to an open source over the summer and get paid $5500 ... [More] for it, apply! Even better if you love community/mesh wireless networks and you want to work on something related to that. Here are some ideas what you could work on. Of course you can also propose your own idea, if you have something you believe would help community/mesh wireless networks. Comment, like, share ... [Less]
Posted about 10 years ago
The development of wireless optical system KORUZA created the need for low-cost and reliable 3D printer suitable for printing ABS plastic with speed and precision. Instead of just buying one, Musti has set out to improve on the open source 3D ... [More] printer Ultimaker by leading a group build project in Društvo elektronikov Slovenije (hobby electronics society). The finished 3D printer has proven to be very useful, the construction of KORUZA prototypes being a very good proof of it along with a range of exciting projects by other members of the society. The sources are available at Thingiverse and the Društvo elektronikov web page. Comment, like, share ... [Less]
Posted over 10 years ago
The Wireless Battle of the Mesh is an event that aims to bring together people from across the globe to test the performance of different routing protocols for ad-hoc networks, like Babel, B.A.T.M.A.N., BMX, OLSR, and 802.11s. It is a great ... [More] opportunity to meet in person the people on the other end of mailing lists, hackers, community wireless enthusiasts and others to test, discuss and enjoy. Musti will be presenting wlan slovenija and his wireless optical project KORUZA, in particular the new outdoor prototype design that enables long term performance evaluation of this system. Everyone is invited to attend, more details about the event website! Looking forward to seeing you in Leipzig, Germany. Comment, like, share ... [Less]
Posted over 10 years ago
On Thursday, 2/13/2014 we from the wlan Slovenia attended public consultation for the Preservation of open and neutral Internet in the hall of the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport. The event was very interesting but it seemed to have been ... [More] under-represented from the "opposite side" because a lot of invitees did not respond to the invitation. Read more, comment, like, share ... [Less]
Posted over 10 years ago
Merry holidays and happy new year 2014. Comment, like, share ...
Posted over 10 years ago
The Ministry of Justice plans to adopt legislation that would in its current revision allow police to install spyware on your computer and thereby spoil and paralyze its security, if you will be a suspect. Moreover, in order to do so, they would be ... [More] allowed to secretly break into your residence. With the installed spy software they would be able to monitor all your communication even if it would be otherwise encrypted. Read more, comment, like, share ... [Less]