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Posted almost 8 years ago
We created a new nodewatcher module as a part of this year's Google Summer of Code program. The module is responsible to store survey data about neighboring wireless nodes into our database. Read more, comment, like, share ...
Posted about 8 years ago
Hi everyone, I will contribute to one of the Freifunk projects – nodewatcher – via Google Summer of Code this summer and I wanted to keep you updated on my progress as well as exchange thoughts about my ideas. Read more, comment, like, share ...
Posted about 8 years ago
Hi everyone, I will contribute to one of the Freifunk projects – nodewatcher – via Google Summer of Code this summer and I wanted to keep you updated on my progress as well as exchange thoughts about my ideas. Read more, comment, like, share ...
Posted about 8 years ago
In the wlan Slovenia We were invited to participate on Day of an inclusive information society in 2016 event where we will have a lecture The open information infrastructure - Open Wireless Slovenia. If you are interested to know more about us, or ... [More] about any other of the events we invite you to join us on Tuesday 17 May, from 16 to 19 hours to RAMPA Laboratory, Kersnikova 4, Ljubljana. The program of the event is located below the additional information on the following link: http://www.nevladni.info/dan-vkljucujoce-informacijske-druzbe- 2016 /. Comment, like, share ... [Less]
Posted about 8 years ago
In the wlan Slovenia We were invited to participate on Day of an inclusive information society in 2016 event where we will have a lecture The open information infrastructure - Open Wireless Slovenia. If you are interested to know more about us, or ... [More] about any other of the events we invite you to join us on Tuesday 17 May, from 16 to 19 hours to RAMPA Laboratory, Kersnikova 4, Ljubljana. The program of the event is located below the additional information on the following link: http://www.nevladni.info/dan-vkljucujoce-informacijske-druzbe- 2016 /. Comment, like, share ... [Less]
Posted about 8 years ago
This year wlan slovenija is again participating in Google Summer of Code. If you are a student and you search for programming summer work for this summer, you can apply to work on wlan slovenija projects and get $5500 for a successful contribution. ... [More] wlan slovenija is a open wireless network initiative from Slovenija, building a common, open and independent network for everybody. It is participating under Freifunk umbrella so you have to formally apply there. Prepare proposal of your contribution and submit it until March 25. We suggest that you submit the proposal draft immediately and then work on improving it until the deadline. In this way you will be in the system soon and will not miss the deadline. Furthermore, mentors will be able to comment and work with you through the system on your proposal. Moreover, we suggest that you join our chat and connect with the community and get help with your proposals. You can check the list of ideas for proposals to get a feeling of what we are looking for. But of course, you can propose also something completely yours. Read more, comment, like, share ... [Less]
Posted about 8 years ago
This year wlan slovenija is again participating in Google Summer of Code. If you are a student and you search for programming summer work for this summer, you can apply to work on wlan slovenija projects and get $5500 for a successful contribution. ... [More] wlan slovenija is a open wireless network initiative from Slovenija, building a common, open and independent network for everybody. It is participating under Freifunk umbrella so you have to formally apply there. Prepare proposal of your contribution and submit it until March 25. We suggest that you submit the proposal draft immediately and then work on improving it until the deadline. In this way you will be in the system soon and will not miss the deadline. Furthermore, mentors will be able to comment and work with you through the system on your proposal. Moreover, we suggest that you join our chat and connect with the community and get help with your proposals. You can check the list of ideas for proposals to get a feeling of what we are looking for. But of course, you can propose also something completely yours. Read more, comment, like, share ... [Less]
Posted about 8 years ago
This year's Wireless Battle Mesh will be in Porto, Portugal, May 1-7 2016. The Wireless Battle of the Mesh is an event that aims at bringing together people from across Europe and beyond to test the performance of different routing protocols for ... [More] mesh networks, like Babel, B.A.T.M.A.N., BMX, IEEE 802.11s, OLSR. It is a tournament with a social character. If you are a mesh networking enthusiast, community networking activist, or have an interest in mesh networks and related technologies, this event is for you. The traditional goal of the event is to set-up hands-on testbed for each available mesh routing protocol with a standard test procedure for the different mesh networks. During the event, similar hardware and software configuration is used based on the OpenWrt and packages for each protocol implementation. The event is also a great opportunity to develop testing tools for PHY/MAC radio layers (drivers, scripts and PHY analyzers). Alongside the testing of routing protocols, a number of talks, workshops, and hackathons are held on various mesh-related topics, all from technology to community and social aspects of mesh networks. Read more, comment, like, share ... [Less]
Posted about 8 years ago
This year's Wireless Battle Mesh will be in Porto, Portugal, May 1-7 2016. The Wireless Battle of the Mesh is an event that aims at bringing together people from across Europe and beyond to test the performance of different routing protocols for ... [More] mesh networks, like Babel, B.A.T.M.A.N., BMX, IEEE 802.11s, OLSR. It is a tournament with a social character. If you are a mesh networking enthusiast, community networking activist, or have an interest in mesh networks and related technologies, this event is for you. The traditional goal of the event is to set-up hands-on testbed for each available mesh routing protocol with a standard test procedure for the different mesh networks. During the event, similar hardware and software configuration is used based on the OpenWrt and packages for each protocol implementation. The event is also a great opportunity to develop testing tools for PHY/MAC radio layers (drivers, scripts and PHY analyzers). Alongside the testing of routing protocols, a number of talks, workshops, and hackathons are held on various mesh-related topics, all from technology to community and social aspects of mesh networks. Read more, comment, like, share ... [Less]
Posted over 8 years ago
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