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Analyzed 4 months ago. based on code collected over 1 year ago.
Posted 1 day ago by John Rouillard
changeset 9347c4a0ecd6 branch default bookmark ... [More] tag tip user John Rouillard description test: close session/otks only if local file. Check for conn on db and if present do not close session or otks databases. Closing them on mysql caused a 2006 error even though the conn has different addresses. files test/session_common.py [Less]
Posted 1 day ago by John Rouillard
changeset a5d39e5a5cdc branch bookmark ... [More] tag user John Rouillard description fix: revert setting _db_type when creating new db. Also revert setting _db_type to None when calling clear(). Lots of breakage from this change. Not sure why. files roundup/backends/sessions_dbm.py [Less]
Posted 1 day ago by John Rouillard
changeset 456edf872259 branch bookmark ... [More] tag user John Rouillard description fix: set _db_type to None when clearing anydbm db. files roundup/backends/sessions_dbm.py [Less]
Posted 1 day ago by John Rouillard
changeset 35b4049ea2ad branch bookmark ... [More] tag user John Rouillard description doc: fix platform notes hierarchy; don't use anydbm session db Linux and Solaris are section headers, but Windows is not. Fix that and move all the windows stuff under the Windows header. Add a section for windows to not use anydbm as the session/otks store. Window only has a dumb dbm written in Python available. gdbm/ndbm compiled backends are not available. So recommend using sqlite or redis for session db if they don't want to spin up mysql/postgresql. files doc/installation.txt [Less]
Posted 1 day ago by John Rouillard
changeset 2946354d6ccd branch bookmark ... [More] tag user John Rouillard description doc: replace X by + to indicate compatible options. X looks like it indicates non-compatible options. files doc/admin_guide.txt [Less]
Posted 1 day ago by John Rouillard
changeset 10b633d6ad74 branch bookmark ... [More] tag user John Rouillard description doc: update with fix for anydbm detection when backed by dumbdbm. files CHANGES.txt [Less]
Posted 1 day ago by John Rouillard
changeset 88a2a6079a89 branch bookmark ... [More] tag user John Rouillard description fix: support dumbdbm on windows. Make db_exists in back_anydbm.py can detect a dumbdbm by looking for the .dat file. files roundup/backends/back_anydbm.py [Less]
Posted 1 day ago by John Rouillard
changeset 23b7669b2f48 branch bookmark ... [More] tag user John Rouillard description test: fix path issues posix vs windows in admin functions. files test/test_admin.py [Less]
Posted 1 day ago by John Rouillard
changeset 77c109725a7e branch bookmark ... [More] tag user John Rouillard description fix: import/export under windows. Export used native \r\n line endings on windows. This results in blank lines when read and Roundup crashes on import. Use \n line endings when writing due to the hard coded \n or \r (but not \r\n) line terminator expected by csv.reader(). Also updates CHANGES.txt to cover this and a the fix for {Otk,Session}.clear() when backed by dumb dbm on windows. files CHANGES.txtroundup/admin.py [Less]
Posted 1 day ago by John Rouillard
changeset 2184033114a0 branch bookmark ... [More] tag user John Rouillard description test: fix tests python3 can't sort dict. Was getting TypeError: '<' not supported between instances of 'dict' and 'dict' on some result.sort() where result was a dict on windows. Not sure why it wasn't happening on Linux but I don't see any requirement to sort the dicts to make the test pass. Possibly sort() was a copy/paste from an earlier test where a list or something was returned. files test/db_test_base.py [Less]