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Project Summary

This is the extension version of PEAR's PHP_Archive package. Support for
zlib, bz2 and crc32 is achieved without any dependency other than the external
zlib or bz2 extension.

.phar files can be read using the phar stream, or with the Phar class. If the SPL extension
is available, a Phar object can be used as an array to iterate over a phar's contents
or to read files directly from the phar.

Phar archives can be created using the streams API or with the Phar class, if
the phar.readonly ini variable is set to false.

Full support for MD5 and SHA1 signatures is possible. Signatures can be required
if the ini variable phar.require_hash is set to true. When PECL extension hash is
avaiable then SHA-256 and SHA-512 signatures are supported as well.
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In a Nutshell, pecl_phar...

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PHP License v3.0

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Project Security

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There are no reported vulnerabilities

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Poor security track-record
Favorable security track-record

Vulnerability Exposure Index

Many reported vulnerabilities
Few reported vulnerabilities

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