Contributes to Pidgin IM (ex-Gaim)
Contributes to Wine as Diego Pettenò
Contributes to xine - a free video player as Diego 'Flameeyes' Pettenò
and 272 other projectsContributes to Mozilla Firefox as David Anderson
Contributes to Thunderbird as David Anderson
Contributes to Wine
and 110 other projectsContributes to Mozilla Firefox
Contributes to Python programming language
Contributes to Thunderbird
and 143 other projectsContributes to Inkscape
Contributes to Wine
Contributes to Linux NTFS file system support
and 226 other projectsContributes to Python programming language
Contributes to Linux NTFS file system support
Contributes to Git
and 48 other projectsContributes to GNU Compiler Collection
Contributes to Git
Contributes to GNU grep
and 23 other projectsContributes to zsh as Jim
Contributes to PHP as jimjag
Contributes to Apache OpenOffice as jim
and 43 other projectsContributes to Mozilla Firefox
Contributes to PHP
Contributes to Thunderbird
and 16 other projectsContributes to Mozilla Chrome
Contributes to Mozilla Firefox as
Contributes to Camino
and 53 other projectsContributes to Inkscape
Contributes to Git
Contributes to Linux Kernel
and 39 other projects