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Project Summary

mydp is a program for processing mysqldump files in the manner of ‘awk’. It reads mysqldump sql statements from standard input and executes Lua callback functions as table definitions and insert statements are encountered. The Lua callback functions are specified in a file passed to mydp via the command line. The callbacks are typically used to filter and process only a small subset of the mysql dump data and/or save it for further processing. mydp is written in Lex and Lua. It is released under the 2-clause FreeBSD licence.

Note: The ohloh Code Analysis seems to be getting confused by the Sphinx generated HTML documentation which includes JavaScript and CSS. The actual source is Lex and Lua.


lex lua mysql mysqldump parser sql unix_software

In a Nutshell, mysqldump parser...

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BSD 2-clause "Simplified" License

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