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Posted over 15 years ago by Mark Bates
Thanks to Simon Menke for contributing a great patch to Configatron that will automatically ‘namespace’ your configuration settings if you use the configure_from_hash or the configure_from_yaml methods. Both give you the same results: If you get a chance visit Simon’s blog at: http://5xm.org/ and say hi. Thanks again Simon.
Posted over 15 years ago by Mark Bates
Although not as sexy a release as 0.7.0, there are some very important bug fixes and some cool new little features in this release. Rack has been upgraded to v0.4.0. DataMapper to 0.9.5. Facets to 2.4.4, and a few other gems as well. There is now a much nicer session store API that will allow developers [...]
Posted over 15 years ago by Mark Bates
The release of Mack 0.7.0 was featured as the lead story this week in the railsenvy.com podcast. They guys had great things to say about Mack, have a listen: http://www.railsenvy.com/2008/9/3/rails-envy-podcast-episode-045-09-03-2008 As always, if you don’t subscribe to the podcast, you definitely should. It’s one of the best ones around.
Posted over 15 years ago by Mark Bates
On the heels of last week’s successful release of Configatron 1.0.0 comes version 1.1.0. The big addition, feature wise, to 1.1.0 is the ability to now load configurations from a YAML file. configatron.configure_from_yaml('/path/to/file.yml') When ... [More] reload is called on configatron any YAML files will be read back in from disk, allowing you to change your configurations and reload [...] [Less]
Posted over 15 years ago by Mark Bates
Thanks to Mack user, DeLynn Berry, for writing up some great Sake tasks! Now getting up and running with Mack development is even easier. Thanks DeLynn! All you need to do is install Sake. Once Sake is installed you can install the Mack sake tasks ... [More] like so: sake -i http://www.mackframework.com/mack-dev.sake You can see a full list of tasks with the [...] [Less]
Posted almost 16 years ago by Mark Bates
Configatron makes configuring your applications and scripts incredibly easy. No longer is a there a need to use constants or global variables. Now you can use a simple and painless system to configure your life. And, because it’s all Ruby, you can do any crazy thing you would like to! API Examples Simple Now, anywhere in your [...]
Posted almost 16 years ago by Mark Bates
Today two patches to Mack have been released, and They upgrade the version of application_configuration and are highly recommended. There was a bug with application_configuration that could cause it to stop loading configuration ... [More] settings, which obviously, would be bad. Please update your version of Mack accordingly.  As a side note, Mack will be [...] [Less]
Posted almost 16 years ago by Mark Bates
Thanks to Mack user, Diogo Almeida, there’s a great write up on the wiki on how to configure Apache using mod_rails to host a Mack app.  Thanks Diogo. http://www.mackwiki.com/using_passenger_phusion_to_host_a_mack_application
Posted almost 16 years ago by Mark Bates
Peter Cooper just posted a very nice article about Mack, which features an interview with me, Mark Bates, over on Ruby Inside. Please check it out: http://www.rubyinside.com/mack-distributed-ruby-web-application-framework-releases-070-1107.html 
Posted almost 16 years ago by Mark Bates
I know that with every release I say something like, “This is a big release”, but the fact of the matter is this is a big release. Amongst the 49 tickets that make up release 0.7.0, there are two in particular that are at the core of Mack’s very existence, they are Distributed Objects and [...]