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Posted over 15 years ago by Mark Bates
Thanks to Matthew A. Brown for his contribution to the Configatron library. He added the ability to ‘lock’ down a namespace. Configatron has had a protect method for a while, but that only locks down a specific configuration. With lock you can lock down the whole namespace and prevent everything in that namespace from [...]
Posted over 15 years ago by Mark Bates
Since Configatron has come out it’s become a pretty popular library, and because of that I’ve received several feature requests. Nothing wrong with that. I actually welcome that, because, let’s be honest, that’s how configatron will become even ... [More] better. The biggest request I’ve received is from people who want to use Configatron, but they want their [...] [Less]
Posted over 15 years ago by Mark Bates
I know with each release I say how excited I am by this release, but that’s usually because with each release there’s some great new feature that makes me either proud to have developed it, or to proud to be associated with it. Mack 0.8.1 is definitely no exception. Before I get into what has to [...]
Posted over 15 years ago by Mark Bates
The great guys over at RailsEvny.com have been nice enough again to include Mack in one of their podcasts. If you aren’t a regular subscriber to the podcast (and why not?), you really should be. Take a listen: http://railsenvy.com/2008/10/15/rails-envy-podcast-episode-051-10-15-2008 Thanks again guys for the inclusion, and keep up the good work!
Posted over 15 years ago by Mark Bates
Here it is the 0.8.0 release of Mack! What a fun and exciting release it is as well. There are a few big changes under the hood, all for the better of course, but there’s only really one that will cause existing Mack projects some conversion pain. However, we’ve tried to take the sting out [...]
Posted over 15 years ago by Mark Bates
This release contains protection of already defined methods, such as object_id. This comes from Configatron advocate, Don March. Thanks Don! Also in this release is a much improved inspect method. As you can see the results of the inspect are a ... [More] nice, alphabetized, ‘cut and paste-able’, print out of your configuration settings. As always, it may take sometime [...] [Less]
Posted over 15 years ago by Mark Bates
On the heels of yesterday’s release of Configatron 2.0.0, Cody Maggard has generously donated a patch to add the following methods: unprotect, protect_all!, and unprotect_all! Cody is also the developer of the configatron-rails plugin which makes ... [More] integrating configatron into your Rails app pretty darn easy. You can checkout his project on GitHub. Thanks Cody! [Less]
Posted over 15 years ago by Mark Bates
I’ve spent the last few days incorporating Configatron 1.x into the Mack framework, for our forth coming 0.8.0 release. During that time, I’ve released that Configatron could be better, and that it should be better. I got quickly annoyed with the multiple lines of code I needed to write to just to set a single [...]
Posted over 15 years ago by Mark Bates
Mark your calendars, on Day One, from 1.15PM - 2.00PM, in Room 2, I’ll be delivering a presentation on building distributed applications. http://www.rubyconf.org/talks/15 Building multiple applications that all need to share data and other ... [More] information between can be a daunting and challenging task. Mark will help to demystify the use of Ruby systems such as Rinda and DRb and [...] [Less]
Posted over 15 years ago by Mark Bates
Thanks to Brandon Dimcheff for contributing a patch that let’s you call .to_hash on configatron to get your configuration settings out as a Hash. Please take a moment and checkout Brandon’s blog at: http://its.arubything.com/ Thanks again Brandon