Contributes to Jetty: Java based HTTP/1.x, HTTP/2, Servlet, WebSocket Server
Contributes to AppFuse as olivier lamy
Contributes to Hudson
and 86 other projectsContributes to Apache Subversion
Contributes to AnkhSVN
Contributes to Mercurial
and 5 other projectsContributes to Boost C++ Libraries
Contributes to Spirit Parser Library
Contributes to Clojure
and 57 other projectsContributes to JGroups as loonix
Contributes to JBoss Application Server as [email protected]
Contributes to JBoss Cache
and 2 other projectsContributes to HenPlus JDBC SQL-Shell
Contributes to Jersey as magrokosmos
Contributes to spymemcached
and 29 other projectsContributes to Apache ServiceMix
Contributes to Apache Camel as Ioannis Canellos
Contributes to Apache jclouds as Ioannis Canellos
and 8 other projectsContributes to Cyberduck
Contributes to Vienna as dkocher
Contributes to Sardine WebDAV as [email protected]
and 1 other projectsContributes to Petals
Contributes to OBM
Contributes to EasyWSDL
and 17 other projectsContributes to Apache ZooKeeper
Contributes to Apache jclouds as andreisavu
Contributes to Django-Jack
and 15 other projectsContributes to Cargo
Contributes to Infinispan
Contributes to Apache jclouds as ferncam1