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Analyzed 3 days ago. based on code collected 18 days ago.
Posted almost 12 years ago by liquidcms
i have a single image on each of my html pages and have a single image field on my node; is it possible to map these. the img tag has a class="badge" but adding "badge" as a source element in the field mapping does not parse anything. and i would ... [More] doubt even if it did; that assigning that to my field_image would work. possibly hook_import_html() would help but i would think i could at least parse out the img tag to a value that was in my $node->import_html array. i do have something automatically parsed out called relatedImg which includes both the original img and the lightbox img url. i could rip this apart and build up the img field pieces out of this i suppose; was just wondering if an easier way. [Less]
Posted almost 12 years ago by liquidcms
i have a single image on each of my html pages and have a single image field on my node; is it possible to map these. the img tag has a class="badge" but adding "badge" as a source element in the field mapping does not parse anything. and i would ... [More] doubt even if it did; that assigning that to my field_image would work. possibly hook_import_html() would help but i would think i could at least parse out the img tag to a value that was in my $node->import_html array. i do have something automatically parsed out called relatedImg which includes both the original img and the lightbox img url. i could rip this apart and build up the img field pieces out of this i suppose; was just wondering if an easier way. [Less]
Posted almost 12 years ago by liquidcms
i have a single image on each of my html pages and have a single image field on my node; is it possible to map these. the img tag has a class="badge" but adding "badge" as a source element in the field mapping does not parse anything. and i would ... [More] doubt even if it did; that assigning that to my field_image would work. possibly hook_import_html() would help but i would think i could at least parse out the img tag to a value that was in my $node->import_html array. i do have something automatically parsed out called relatedImg which includes both the original img and the lightbox img url. i could rip this apart and build up the img field pieces out of this i suppose; was just wondering if an easier way. [Less]
Posted almost 12 years ago by liquidcms
i have a structure like: /civil/page1.html, page2.html, etc /military/page45.html, page456.html, etc is it possible to have the civil and the military map to a taxonomy reference field?
Posted almost 12 years ago by liquidcms
just trying out the D7 version of this; first issue is this error when hitting import files button after seelcting files to import: Call to undefined function taxonomy_term_path()
Posted almost 12 years ago by liquidcms
just trying out the D7 version of this; first issue is this error when hitting import files button after seelcting files to import: Call to undefined function taxonomy_term_path()
Posted almost 12 years ago by liquidcms
just trying out the D7 version of this; first issue is this error when hitting import files button after seelcting files to import: Call to undefined function taxonomy_term_path()
Posted almost 12 years ago by drett
I'm hoping someone has some ideas why I'm receiving this error after upgrading to Drupal 7. It happens when I access /admin/structure/import_html and /admin/structure/import_html/profiles/ProfileName. PDOException: SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity ... [More] constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry 'Unfiltered HTML' for key 'name': INSERT INTO {filter_format} (format, name, cache, status, weight) VALUES (:db_insert_placeholder_0, :db_insert_placeholder_1, :db_insert_placeholder_2, :db_insert_placeholder_3, :db_insert_placeholder_4); Array ( [:db_insert_placeholder_0] => unfiltered_html [:db_insert_placeholder_1] => Unfiltered HTML [:db_insert_placeholder_2] => 1 [:db_insert_placeholder_3] => 1 [:db_insert_placeholder_4] => 0 ) in filter_format_save() (line 210 of mysite/modules/filter/filter.module). The above error is from the log, but when I try to access the above-mentioned pages, I see a broken theme along with messages reading "Creating new filter option - Unfiltered HTML" and "The website encountered an unexpected error. Please try again later." Obviously, this must have something to do with the "Unfiltered HTML" text format. Any suggestions for troubleshooting this? [Less]
Posted almost 12 years ago by teschek
I'm starting a new thread here on an old topic because my posts to the old thread aren't getting answered. All of our URLs that end in index.htm are having it removed, so that /folder/index.htm just ends at /folder/. The answer to this that you ... [More] posted a long while ago has me confused. I've tried without success to fix this behavior but think it may come down to editing the code, and I have no idea how to do that. Can you give me some clue? I just want it to import all URLs as is and not mess with them by doing things like remove "index.htm" from the end. Thank you [Less]
Posted over 12 years ago by teschek
All of our URLs that end in index.htm are having it removed, so that /folder/index.htm just ends at /folder/. The "Trim Suffixes" option is unchecked, so I'm not sure why this is happening. How do we stop it from doing this?