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Project Summary

idiokit is an experimental Python library for doing asynchronous stuff. It currently contains:

An infrastructure for writing streams, Python generators that act as lightweight pseudo-threads that communicate through message passing. Tools for combining streams, by e.g. piping them together. Incomplete implementations of asynchronous TCP connectivity and XMPP and IRC protocols.

Apart from trying out new stuff, some of idiokit's goals are:

Avoid dependencies outside Python's standard library. Currently the only dependency is Python 2.5 or higher (Python 3.x is not supported though). Relatively easy integration with most foreign event loops (such as PyQt4).

There are some caveats, of course:

Windows is currently not supported. Python's standard library has to be compiled with SSL support for the XMPP connectivity to work.

idiokit liberally borrows (adopts, steals) ideas from great open source Python projects such as Twisted and PyXMPP. You'd probably be better off using them anyway.


asynchronous irc python xmpp

In a Nutshell, idiokit...

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The Open Hub computes statistics on FOSS projects by examining source code and commit history in source code management systems. The source code for this project has been located, but the analysis isn't complete. Feel free to check its progress.

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