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Posted over 17 years ago by [email protected] (Tiziano Mengotti)
GPU is a client for distributed computing over P2P.0.938 is released with a set of PHP scripts (based on preliminary work done by Justin Adams), which allow clients to download work units in a simple manner. The GPU client has an improved ... [More] 'downloader' plugin, which can deal with the new file distributor. The plugin uses exponential waiting to avoid webserver overload. To get an idea, you can visit the project FD at http://spartacus.is-a-geek.net/file_distributor More information on FD is also here: http://gpu.sourceforge.net/file_distributor.php0.937 introduced labels on the screensaver, an internal refactoring which regarded all 3D frontends. GPU was recompiled with the latestSynapse release 37 (instead of 36). Attempts to unbound UDP Gate on GPU Core failed. Attempts to add a screenshot to the computed html statistics failed, due to the old glut library GPU uses.0.936 reports back data to the search engine in XML format. Some other maintenance was done in the automatic VM tests. (0 comments) [Less]
Posted over 17 years ago by [email protected] (Tiziano Mengotti)
GPU is a client for distributed computing over P2P.0.938 is released with a set of PHP scripts (based on preliminary work done by Justin Adams), which allow clients to download work units in a simple manner. The GPU client has an improved ... [More] 'downloader' plugin, which can deal with the new file distributor. The plugin uses exponential waiting to avoid webserver overload. To get an idea, you can visit the project FD at http://spartacus.is-a-geek.net/file_distributor More information on FD is also here: http://gpu.sourceforge.net/file_distributor.php0.937 introduced labels on the screensaver, an internal refactoring which regarded all 3D frontends. GPU was recompiled with the latestSynapse release 37 (instead of 36). Attempts to unbound UDP Gate on GPU Core failed. Attempts to add a screenshot to the computed html statistics failed, due to the old glut library GPU uses.0.936 reports back data to the search engine in XML format. Some other maintenance was done in the automatic VM tests. (0 comments) [Less]
Posted over 17 years ago by [email protected] (Tiziano Mengotti)
After an internal discussion between team members, we decided to release 0.935 with the unmodified (GPL version 2), and to remove the public released versions beginning from 0.910 up to 0.934.This for two main reasons: one is that Sourceforge.net ... [More] hosts only projects that are licensed under the Open Source Definition. The project is not big enough to provide its own CVS and web space. The second one is that GPL cannot be modified without changing its name. So we should have chosen a name like "No military Use Public License".There was discussion going on for the GPL version 3 that regards a restriction for military use. Read for example David Turner's blog: http://www.fsf.org/blogs/licensing/20050211.htmlRelease 0.935 includes a new search plugin and frontend by nanobit, an updated DelphiPackagerTool by DelphiFreak and an attempt to include JPL planets inside Orsa. (0 comments) [Less]
Posted over 17 years ago by [email protected] (Tiziano Mengotti)
After an internal discussion between team members, we decided to release 0.935 with the unmodified (GPL version 2), and to remove the public released versions beginning from 0.910 up to 0.934.This for two main reasons: one is that Sourceforge.net ... [More] hosts only projects that are licensed under the Open Source Definition. The project is not big enough to provide its own CVS and web space. The second one is that GPL cannot be modified without changing its name. So we should have chosen a name like "No military Use Public License".There was discussion going on for the GPL version 3 that regards a restriction for military use. Read for example David Turner's blog: http://www.fsf.org/blogs/licensing/20050211.htmlRelease 0.935 includes a new search plugin and frontend by nanobit, an updated DelphiPackagerTool by DelphiFreak and an attempt to include JPL planets inside Orsa. (0 comments) [Less]
Posted over 17 years ago by [email protected] (René Tegel)
What started like a little taunt suddenly got another dimension. The GPU project has modified the GPL license a little by adding Asimov's first law of robotics.Meanwhile, we have been written be members of the Free Software Foundation, asking us to ... [More] reconsider the change or at least not violate their copyright by removing the preamble and altering the name. We are aware modifying the GPL is not allowed by the GPL license itself, but did it without bad intentions. We go consider what is appropiate. After all, we're not after a legal conflict with the FSF. Give us some time for internal debate, we'll keep you informed. (11 comments) [Less]
Posted over 17 years ago by [email protected] (René Tegel)
What started like a little taunt suddenly got another dimension. The GPU project has modified the GPL license a little by adding Asimov's first law of robotics.Meanwhile, we have been written be members of the Free Software Foundation, asking us to ... [More] reconsider the change or at least not violate their copyright by removing the preamble and altering the name. We are aware modifying the GPL is not allowed by the GPL license itself, but did it without bad intentions. We go consider what is appropiate. After all, we're not after a legal conflict with the FSF. Give us some time for internal debate, we'll keep you informed. (11 comments) [Less]
Posted almost 18 years ago by [email protected] (Tiziano Mengotti)
The statistics engine was slightly improved (in the latest fix on autoupdate 0.9331) to keep record of all nodes which ever connected to the network.We are now able to compare our community with the bigger ones in the distributed computing arena. ... [More] Well, after running the statistics engine for somemonths, we collected one year of uptime (which is only uptime, because the network is still idle most of the time). We indexed about 80 GBof internet data. According to nanobit, the amount of crawled data should be 3/4 times the size of the indexed data. And fortuntately, filters are included by default, so we avoid to crawl quite a lot of crap :-#Still some nodes can appear twice in the statistics, but the bug will automatically disappear as soon as everyone runs a version equal or higher 0.933.The search engine improvements and a call for help is included in the "message from nanobit" which can be read in themailing list archive at: http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_id=10295891&forum_id=40848Remember to give a try at the search engine, the address is http://search.centraldatabase.orgCluster statistics are here: http://www.gpu-grid.net/gpu/statistics/gpu_statistics.html0.933 comes out with several bugfixes. If we compare with 0.930, we discover that we fixed a bug that involved duplicate packets on the initiator node.Another bug, which caused some Intel dual cores to be wrongly detected disappeared. The behaviour of speed buttons in the core client is now almost correct.The screensaver startup was fixed as well.Other things happened outside in the real world: luciolis generated a terragen video on the cluster, the energia teamfought hard to get the c plugin working. nonobotae and lwm kept competing for the first rank in the hall of fame. and some developers still have to learn the magics of jboss clusters. (0 comments) [Less]
Posted about 18 years ago by [email protected] (Tiziano Mengotti)
The monthly release schema went broken due to time constraints and stress at work. Anyway with 0.930 we have a stable release which can run for entire months. The latest changes are on CVS and on autoupdate as usual. To get the changes described ... [More] below, install 0.930 and then choose from the menu 'Tools' the item 'Autoupdate tolatest version'. Spanish translation-------------------Alberto Pérez Garcìa-Plaza filed a clean spanish localization file. We thank him a lot :-)To get Spanish, go to Edit->Settings->Language Options and choose 'Change Language'.Total uptime computation------------------------As a long awaited feature, the total uptime of a GPU node is stored in a temper proof manner.It still has some issues, if the node crashes, though. Total uptime got also the mostweighted factor inside the statistics formula.Patch to unblock TCP/IP limit of 10 connections-----------------------------------------------We run on spartacus node the patch described here:http://www.speedguide.net/read_articles.php?id=1497which moves the limit of 10 concurrent connections on XP service pack 2 up to 50 connections.This should help people who cannot connect to the GPU network. Note that the patch is not needed for occasional users, but it is important for nodes which have very long uptimes. We are running investigations to understand why so many people cannot connect. We might move GPU to some other port than the 6346 Gnutella port, which might be often firewalled. If you find out something regarding this matter, we would be glad to hear from you!The TCP/IP patch by hacker LvLlord can be found here:http://www.lvllord.de/ Miscellaneous-------------The Screensaver was slightly modified: colors of the graph were changed, and UTC time was added.After autoupdating, you should choose Tools->Screensaver->Install to copy screensaver.exe inside the windows folder and then make 'Gpu 3d Network' as your default screensaver manually.Thanks to the donation of blueapple2 autoudpate service was moved last week to http://www.gpu-grid.net/gpu. The domain http://www.gpu-grid.net is active as well and might host some of our webpages later in time.What comes next:----------------We are planning the move to the SVN repository, which should solve some long outstanding CVS issues. Keep watching the mailing list for updates on this regard. (0 comments) [Less]
Posted about 18 years ago by [email protected] (Tiziano Mengotti)
As often in life the release 0.930 did not follow exactly the roadmap with the Orsa plugin. It ended instead with a new screensaver, inspired by the BOINC screensavers. People often online on our network will not be too surprised, to see a 3D network ... [More] mapper blown to full screen.At the beginning of January, we released a .zip file containing statistics between November 04 and December 05. Beginning from January 06, we also generate and collect XML statistics, which might be parsed to a later point in time.We additionally monitor uptime of nodes (which can reach 15 days and more) and approximate the scalability of the cluster by simply summing up the number of free connection slots of all nodes.<lwm> backboned the network with his huge cluster of nodes. <nanobit> improved Search Engine data collection, although now we run the old webinterface due to some (ehm) technical issues. <paulatreides> is studying molecular dynamics [1,2] and the GAMESS program which might be bound in GPU. <simbasabi> is already at work to build a follower of spartacus, which is quite noisy, even if watercooled.As long term roadmap for 0.940, it would be good if we would allow external developers to easily bound their .exe applications inside our network (applaunch improvements, file distributors are the keywords here).Stay tuned.[1] http://folding.mesdiscussions.net/forum2.php?config=foldinghome.inc&post=2&cat=12&cache=cache&sondage=0&owntopic= [2] http://perso.wanadoo.fr/paulatreides/fichiertest/eau_calcul_frequences_IR.pdf (0 comments) [Less]
Posted over 18 years ago by [email protected] (Ren&#233; Tegel)
While Tiziano works sweat and tears to finish the exiting 'liborsa for pascal and gpu' project, others have put some effort to create the much requested C examples.A simple C plugin we already had, but we were requested for frontend examples. User ... [More] edsatori has put a small GUI example using BCB (Borland C builder).I (Rene) made two examples using minGW/Dev-c demonstrating UDP communications with the gpu core. One shows how to register to netmapper or chat messages and how to execute a gpu command and fetch the results. The other is the gpu chat, interactive, but on the console as frontend. Both demonstrate how easy udp works, also in single-threaded applications. As suprise is a port from the famous megahal chat AI as gpu chatbot. Stuff for study for the C programmers who are interested in gpu. (0 comments) [Less]