Contributes to Pidgin IM (ex-Gaim)
Contributes to Wine as Diego Pettenò
Contributes to xine - a free video player as Diego 'Flameeyes' Pettenò
and 272 other projectsContributes to Mozilla Firefox as Zhang Le
Contributes to Git as Zhang Le
Contributes to Programming from the Ground Up Book
and 3 other projectsContributes to Mozilla Firefox
Contributes to GIMP
Contributes to MinGW - Minimalist GNU for Windows
and 52 other projectsContributes to Mozilla Firefox
Contributes to Linux Kernel
Contributes to GStreamer
and 32 other projectsContributes to GNU Compiler Collection
Contributes to GNOME Commander
Contributes to GNU C Library
and 72 other projectsContributes to Mozilla Firefox
Contributes to GStreamer
Contributes to GNOME
and 52 other projectsContributes to Mozilla Firefox as Uli Schlachter
Contributes to Inkscape as Uli Schlachter
Contributes to KDE
and 35 other projectsContributes to Boost C++ Libraries
Contributes to GNU Compiler Collection
Contributes to GIMP
and 168 other projectsContributes to Mozilla Firefox
Contributes to Python programming language
Contributes to Gentoo Linux
and 16 other projectsContributes to Python programming language as samtygier
Contributes to matplotlib
Contributes to Linux Kernel
and 34 other projects