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Project Summary

The Enano CMS Project is an all-new approach to content management. It aims to make the users' experience as good as it can possibly be - without being bloated like so many other content management systems.

Enano comes with all you need to start building your website, including a fast, easy-to-use installer, a feature-packed administration panel, and lots of administration controls on each page, while striving to have less bloat and more float in the sea of content management systems out there.

The highlight of Enano is its support for Wiki mode, which allows you to use your website like a wiki similar to MediaWiki. Enano with Wiki mode enabled lets you take advantage of all the benefits of a wiki while having all the functionality and security of a content managment system.


cms content_management contentmanagement database document_management dynamic_content javascript mysql php pluginexpandable portal postgresql productivebydesign search security site_management tags themes web web20 website_management websitemanagement wiki wikiengine xhtml

In a Nutshell, Enano CMS...

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Project Security

Vulnerabilities per Version ( last 10 releases )

There are no reported vulnerabilities

Project Vulnerability Report

Security Confidence Index

Poor security track-record
Favorable security track-record

Vulnerability Exposure Index

Many reported vulnerabilities
Few reported vulnerabilities

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The Open Hub computes statistics on FOSS projects by examining source code and commit history in source code management systems. The source code for this project has been located, but the analysis isn't complete. Feel free to check its progress.

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