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Posted over 11 years ago by [email protected]
Hello, It's been a long time since no contribution was laid on such matter as to solve it. Recently, I tried mono out, since I've totally embraced ubuntu system, but missed C# very much. Thing is... I just soon got to face this very same problem as I managed to create a web application. Sadly, there's
Posted almost 12 years ago by [email protected] (Fosfenismo Ediciones)
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Posted almost 12 years ago by [email protected] (Twenty Twenty Vision)
iPhone App - 20/20 Vision - [link]
Posted almost 12 years ago by [email protected]
Posted almost 12 years ago by [email protected]
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Posted almost 12 years ago by [email protected] (Fab)
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Posted almost 12 years ago by [email protected]
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Posted almost 12 years ago by [email protected] (ADMIN)
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Posted almost 12 years ago by [email protected] (Twitter)
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