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Ivan Vučica says:
Untapped potential  
written over 16 years ago

Crossfire exists for quite long, and obviously has a large developer base. Unfortunately, I believe that it will stay largely that -- a developer's toy. Large maps may be available, certain amount of graphics may be there, the server and the client may be open-source; however, the movement isn't smooth, the UI is cluttered and it's hard to find the way around it, and I can't say there is a central point of referral for discussion with other players, or similar. At least I haven't found something similar during my playing around with Crossfire.

I believe that Crossfire would, with proper guidance, be able to become something like a closed source game Tibia. If Crossfire developers are reading this, I'd suggest them to try Tibia out. I am not suggesting removal of options, reduction of world size or something similar; I am merely suggesting less cluttered and nicer interface, animated characters, scrolling movement.

I'm giving this project 2 stars instead of 1 because of respect I have for the work and time the developers placed in Crossfire.

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