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Analyzed about 21 hours ago. based on code collected 1 day ago.
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Average Rating:   3.7/5.0
Number of Ratings:   3
Number of Reviews:   2

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Most Helpful Reviews

darkkitty12 says:
Letter from the Devteam  
written almost 16 years ago

I hope everyone will enjoy the future releases of cellao :)
our code has almost been rewritten and new features are coming less and right for everyone to use andd see :)
Don't let moose fool you with his review.. our server runs great, all releases are tested to see if they work before we release them.. if there is any bugs they are usualy fixed asap.

1 out of 1 users found the following review helpful.

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Most Recent Reviews

darkkitty12 says:
Letter from the Devteam  
written almost 16 years ago

I hope everyone will enjoy the future releases of cellao :)
our code has almost been rewritten and new features are coming less and right for everyone to use andd see :)
Don't let moose fool you with his review.. our server runs great, all releases are tested to see if they work before we release them.. if there is any bugs they are usualy fixed asap.

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Moose says:
The Review  
written about 16 years ago

It's a good idea! Using the Cell framework as a base for an emulator for Anarchy-Online. Unfortunately, the execution of the project is terrible. The code is hacked together as if someone with a "Hello World!" understanding of C# wrote the project. The database structure is fine. I have yet to see Lua implemented as they say it is and well the lack of support for server clusters and arrays is annoying but was never expected from this group in the first place. Classes are awkwardly used in this application and nothing conforms to Microsoft's standard in any way. A lot of things are hard coded ( such as salts for use in cryptographic operations ). Another small thing I noticed in the code was that when generating cryptographic materials they use a Date/Time seeded PRNG when they should be using a CSPRNG. My advice to the group is that they come up with a somewhat planned design for the project and learn the basics of C# as well as the advantages and disadvantages of using scripting languages to aid in 3rd party modification of the software.

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