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Analyzed 3 days ago. based on code collected 4 days ago.
Jun 06, 2023 — Jun 06, 2024
Commit Message Contributor Files Modified Lines Added Lines Removed Code Location Date
- fixed threshold for merging closed Panels (was not sufficient narrow) - in 'Horizontal Align' mode, Panels now close as a vertical bar - switching align modes, also switches how closed Panels are drawn - opengl nor ftgl support vertical string drawing... so for now it only draws the capitals of the Panel title in a horizontal collapsed header More... over 20 years ago
- converted constraint buttons, they're a Panel in Object main menu - converted sound buttons, part of Scene - special request Matt: headers of windows 2 pixels higher! (test) - special request Stefano: icons instead of menu for buttons-header - 'data browse' buttons now almost all in buttonswindow. - almost all buttons have been panelized now. More... over 20 years ago
- the 'activitate window' call in mainloop, which was removed to save performance, gave display errors in some occasions. now its moved to the main drawing loop, which is not for each event luckily. tested at windows by ztonzy More... over 20 years ago
- experiment: changed drawing style of Panels to minimal and fully transparant. - converted the Texture buttons, they're nice too! More... over 20 years ago
Robert (DetectiveThorn) Wenzlaff's Knife subdivide tool. See previous message on Bf-committers for description. More... over 20 years ago
Getting rid of warnings in NMesh.c, should fix compile problems. More... over 20 years ago
- restored scriptlink buttons i tried to find place for it in the other menus, like material, object, camera, etc. But thats hard... now it's just one nice Panel, without the idiot headerbuttons icons! - changed drawing of 'tabbed' Panels. The old method takes too much space. hint from xype! Dragging tabbed Panels can be done with the right hand circle. designers are welcom to tweak this. main reason: dragging is not meant to be happening a lot... pressing tabs is more important. More... over 20 years ago
- added radiobuttons - cleaned unused calls and defines More... over 20 years ago
Added updates to reflect the vertex grouping changes in NMesh.c More... over 20 years ago
Add vertex group support... More... over 20 years ago
Added vertex grouping support More... over 20 years ago
Added vertex group support... More... over 20 years ago
Removed spaces - test commit More... over 20 years ago
- Converted lamp buttons and world buttons, they're pretty! - menu auto open now is user preset, including 2 thresholds you can set - hilites of pulldown menus were not cleared, fixed - changed F4 key to logic. F5 will show lamp buttons, when lamp active - in 'shader context' buttons, clicking camera will show world - Converted lamp buttons and world buttons, they're pretty! - menu auto open now is user preset, including 2 thresholds you can set - hilites of pulldown menus were not cleared, fixed - changed F4 key to logic. F5 will show lamp buttons, when lamp active - in 'shader context' buttons, clicking camera will show world More... over 20 years ago
- rewrote the panel align heuristics. leftmost/top panel now always at same location, so switching button 'main contextes' works consistantly - fixed some more events to make sure Panels update when editing - preview render panel now is 320 wide, just for getting the space filled! - error in preview render matrix, which caused unpredictable drawing errors More... over 20 years ago
- error in shader buttons... when no material on object, it draws the tabs really weird... More... over 20 years ago
- converted full materialbuttons... EEEK! It doesn't look well yet! Hopefully it inspires others to come with great solutions. - the material buttons have 6 panels, three of them merged - some drawing errors in preview render - made settings for new Material that makes sense for Flares More... over 20 years ago
Fixing header*** files to use tabs instead of spaces (was my fault, sorry). More... over 20 years ago
- fixes in material buttons (still tentative design!) More... over 20 years ago
- two more panels for material buttons. work in progress.... More... over 20 years ago
- small fix, number buttons strings were cut off like sliders... More... over 20 years ago
- improved drawing of slider button - strings for slider button are cut off correctly More... over 20 years ago
- added method to have a preview render in panel - increased size of preview from 100 to 125 pix :) - put back header buttons for databrowse, but they need to move to buttonswindow itself More... over 20 years ago
- Added all the stuff of the last week to the MSVC 6.0 project file. - Added include BIF_gl.h to header_imasel.c (I think it needs that :) More... over 20 years ago
- fixed bug in aligning different sized panels vertically More... over 20 years ago
- another fix, now for unix systems with 'sloppy focus'. the mainwindow is set active again after rendering, without destroying the (optional) dispview image More... over 20 years ago
- fixed error in making main window active again after rendering, it didnt work... More... over 20 years ago
- small little unitialized variable error... More... over 20 years ago
Another huge commit!!! More... over 20 years ago
- adapted startsize for osx version to match powerbook (768 high) - add patch in prevsize routine (editscreen.c) to subtract apple top header, this allows 'fullscreen' with windowbar behind topbar. More... over 20 years ago