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Project Summary

beirc is a graphical Internet Relay Chat client using the clim (or mcclim) graphical library and built on top of cl-irc. beirc is the creation of Gilbert Baumann.

Its features include:

* Multiple channels on multiple servers (one channel per tab)
* Ignore nicks (messages from selected nicks completely removed from display)
* Focus nicks (messages from selected nicks bolded on display)
* Clickable URLs
* Rewritable URLs (rewrite specbot replies to point to your local copy of the HyperSpec)
* Nickname highlighting (right click on a nick to get a menu of possibilities)
* Tab completion of nicknames
* Total customizability - write whatever functionality you want!

It is designed to work well with bouncers such as miau, and to cause no trouble on the freenode channel #lisp.


chat chatting client clim common_lisp gui internet_relay_chat irc lisp

In a Nutshell, Beirc...

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