I Use This!
Very Low Activity


Analyzed about 7 hours ago. based on code collected about 17 hours ago.

Contributes to Apache Subversion as daniel

Contributes to Mozilla Firefox

Contributes to PHP

and 51 other projects
Kudo Rank
KudoRank 10

Contributes to Pidgin IM (ex-Gaim)

Contributes to Wine as Diego Pettenò

Contributes to xine - a free video player as Diego 'Flameeyes' Pettenò

and 272 other projects
Kudo Rank
KudoRank 10

Contributes to Wine

Contributes to Linux NTFS file system support

Contributes to GNU Core Utilities

and 99 other projects
Kudo Rank
KudoRank 9

Contributes to Mozilla Firefox

Contributes to Debian

Contributes to Bazaar

and 8 other projects
Kudo Rank
KudoRank 9

Contributes to Mozilla Firefox

Contributes to Geolocatefox as raccettura

Contributes to mozPod as raccettura

Kudo Rank
KudoRank 9

Contributes to zsh

Contributes to jEdit as blueyed

Contributes to The Freenet Project

and 210 other projects
Kudo Rank
KudoRank 9

Contributes to GIMP

Contributes to GNU Midnight Commander

Contributes to Mono

and 12 other projects
Kudo Rank
KudoRank 9

Contributes to Linux Kernel

Contributes to Wireshark

Contributes to FreeRADIUS

and 5 other projects
Kudo Rank
KudoRank 9

Contributes to Little cms color engine

Contributes to Pygments as Michal ?iha?

Contributes to Django

and 105 other projects
Kudo Rank
KudoRank 9

Contributes to Apache Subversion as sergeyli

Contributes to Source Mage GNU/Linux as Sergey A. Lipnevich

Contributes to traced

Kudo Rank
KudoRank 9