An inventory manager and deck builder for players of the collectible
card game "Vampire: The Eternal Struggle".
It's first goal is to be a useful replacement for the Elder Library
Deck Builder, the currently used software, which is unfortunately
non-free, Windows-only, and unmaintained.
Inventory functions include: keeping track of your VTES collection
(have & need), taking notes and easy card browsing using various
selection criteria. Also handles inventory import/export.
Deck builder functions include: selection of cards to include,
automatic calculation of various statistics (crypt capacity, totals by
card type, Happy Families formula, etc.), simulated draw of cards, and
of course, saving and exporting to various formats (text, HTML, JOL).
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These details are provided for information only. No information here is legal advice and should not be used as such.
There are no reported vulnerabilities