
  Analyzed 1 day ago
Contributor Fixes to CMake build scripts.

199 Commits in mostly C++

Analyzed 1 day ago. based on code collected 3 days ago.
Developer Improving functionality and bugfixing.

The analysis for this contribution has been scheduled.
Analyzed 3 days ago. based on code collected 4 days ago.
Developer Fixes and extension to core and network modules, documentation updates, code cleanups.

98 Commits in mostly C++

Analyzed 3 days ago. based on code collected 4 days ago.

8 Commits in mostly C++

Analyzed 2 days ago. based on code collected 3 days ago.
Contributor Envy24 audio driver fixes, EMU10k audio driver fixes.

7 Commits in mostly C

Analyzed 26 days ago. based on code collected 26 days ago.
Contributor Minor fixes and cleanups.

The analysis for this contribution has been scheduled.
Analyzed 2 days ago. based on code collected 3 days ago.