Reviews and Ratings

Dead Project?  
written over 16 years ago


* Last release was 3 years ago

* Observe the svn, what is new?
o a few cosmetic changes.
o some code level changes that doesnt effect anything.
o bug fixes.

* Most of the artists left the project. most notable loss: sound artist. what is done so far:
o just some claw models, 3ds max animations of a weapon, and a few sketches.
o new hud image. only the image, no coding is done yet
o new human model, again Is it animated? I guess not.

* It is clear that 1.1.0 has lots of bugs. However there is no official bugfix release. This means either you need to play buggy 1.1.0 or use an unofficial release.

* Developers are quite antisocial. They love when you vote for their games but they don't care about players. If they cared they would at least release an official bugfix release. Morever they dont give info about the progress of the game.


* There is a lot of community effort to create a feature-full stable game. However this leads to way too many variations. Game-play changes server to server

* MGdev is somehow official development going on for trem. It contains only a few balance changes, jumping barricades, and some other small modifications.

* Problem with those two are: they are not community driven, they are just the taste of a few people.


As you see I am obsessed with tremulous. It is not that I hate it or its devs. It is a good game, at least the gameplay is good. Game play is not as advanced as NS. But this is not a bad thing. Actually, It allows little kids to play easily. What I dislike is developers attitude:

First of all They didn't release a bugfix release despite the bugs of the latest release.

Secondly, There is no way to tell what is going on. What is the current progress? What are the objectives. It turns out to be 1.2 (next release) will be a bugfix release) which is very funny because most of the bugs were fixed in a month after the release of 1.1 . And They waited 2 years to release a bugfix release

Thirdly, They promised for new models and media in case they win moddb award. They did. But what can they show to us? just a human model(I hope it is animated), a few sketches of claws, and a map but this was 1 year ago and nothing else appeared during the last year.

I believe developers should be more honest. If they lost their interest in the project they should say. This silence sucks.

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