Reviews and Ratings

written about 16 years ago

Sharpdevelop actually is an industrial quality IDE that impressively shows the strengths of .Net.

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Monodevelop is not much more than a...  
written about 16 years ago

Given the fact that mono is a fork of a early version of #develop and has more manpower than #develop has at this point of time, it is nothing more than an example of how unstable and incomplete the mono platform still remains. While the ( also free ) #develop on Windows meanwhile plays in the same league as visual studio, monodevelop ( as of 28.5.2008 ) DOESNT have:

- debugger support(!)
- refactoring support(!)
- winforms designer
- wpf designer
- class diagramm support
- stable code-completion
- support for c# 3.0. ( Okay, this is due to the mono-complier doesn't support it)

And it's not even nice to look at. Think about it: There is a industrial standard Open Source IDE(#develop) that runs on the .Net-Plattform on Windows. Why is there no effort to complete the mono-plattform to get this one running on it? There is no need for monodevelop at all, its just plain frustrating.

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