Unicode Converter is a free open source software for converting to/from unicode and also getting information about a character.
Unicode Converter developed in c# 3.5 and provide 2 variant user interfaces, one for windows with WPF and one with Asp.net for Web.
this software is going to be the main important unicode information provider about thecharacters around the world, and in less than 10 days witout any publication it download more than 90 times.
this project will available in 2 various platform, one forWindos with WPF interface and one for Web with Asp.net.
this application uses latest unicode character database provided by unicode.org (#44). ad include all of unicode 5.2 characters.
you can easily get complete information about a single character or a complete sentnce, this applicaion also convert hx coe to unicde charcters.
in addition,unicode converter is going to collect the major information about the standard keyboard layout, these type of keyboards let users to input unicode charactrs into computer and also let large-scale Operation System poviders to include standard keyboards in their OS's.
so if you knew anystandard kyboard just upate a simple xml document and cooperate in a FOSS application.
any help or suggesion will appricite.