
  Analyzed about 19 hours ago
Pink Floyder patches, version bumps for packages to make life easy for exherbo users like myself :)

5425 Commits in mostly Exheres

Analyzed 5 days ago. based on code collected 6 days ago.
The analysis for this contribution has been scheduled.
Developer Main developer of python-updater. Maintainer of gentoo-syntax. Maintainer of many python and vim related packages, most important of them being ... [More] dev-lang/python and app-editors/vim. Submitted many patches to portage. [Less]

The analysis for this contribution has been scheduled.
Analyzed 4 days ago. based on code collected 6 days ago.
Developer Main developer

124 Commits in mostly C

Analyzed 6 days ago. based on code collected 7 days ago.
Developer Main developer

156 Commits in mostly C++

Analyzed about 23 hours ago. based on code collected about 23 hours ago.
Contributor Sydbox support. Small patches like a fetcher that uses curl etc.

32 Commits in mostly shell script

Analyzed 5 months ago. based on code collected 11 months ago.

95 Commits in mostly Python

Analyzed about 22 hours ago. based on code collected about 22 hours ago.

2 Commits in mostly C

Analyzed about 19 hours ago. based on code collected about 19 hours ago.
Developer Main Developer

The analysis for this contribution has been scheduled.