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Embedding Ohloh charts?

Hi -

it would be great if we could embed the Ohloh charts (eg code makeup, LOC over time, etc) onto our project website's about page, is it possible to static link these?



AFrisby almost 17 years ago

+1 :)

Lars Wesselius almost 17 years ago

A few months ago I started implementing a similar feature - but I never made it public. It's incomplete but I would like to get your feedback. Add /widgets to any project url. Example (subversion)

It's not an official feature yet so we may change the urls around or the exact look and feel. With this caveat, feel free to embed - but more importantly - let me know what works, what doesn't and any other charts/info you'd like to see widget-ized.

Jason Allen almost 17 years ago

Very awesome. :)

AFrisby almost 17 years ago

+1 =)

Andres Almiray almost 17 years ago