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Excluded files feature does not work for one code location


In our Ametys project, we have a Git repository located at
I tried to exclude the files located at main/plugin-workspaces/resources/js/vendor/ but the UI gave me only 2 files excluded, where I expected more than 800. It results in false statistics for my project as these Javascript files are 3rd party ones that I don't want to be counted.

I suppose there's an error in my excluded files syntax, but I can't tell which ...

Best regards,

Cédric Damioli over 6 years ago

Hi Cédric;

Well, that's annoying. I tried dropping the trailing / since that was how other code locations were configured, and then did an update of that repository and an update of the entire project, but the system is still reporting that it ignored only 2 files.

I'll open a ticket so we can take a closer look

Peter Degen-Por... over 6 years ago

Hello Cédric Damioli,

Yes, the issue has been fixed and you can see list of ignored files in the Code Location Page

Happy to help!

Priya5 over 6 years ago

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