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Statistics with branching

Just wondering.. if I create a branch in my project, will it those files be added to my total LOC statistics as well?

Currently I only have trunk registered in ohloh. For the next few weeks all my project activity will all happen in a separate kde4porting branch. Is there any sane way to keep ohloh up to date?

I get the idea it will either increase my LOC * 2, or think the project is quiet for a long time.

Diederik van de... over 16 years ago

I think you understand it correctly.

Ohloh does not internally understand branches. To Ohloh, a trunk and a separate branch really look like two complete repositories with different names.

So yes, if you put the trunk and the branch in your Ohloh report, you'll get double line counts.

But if you put only the trunk in your Ohloh report, the project will look quiet, and Ohloh will not see your branch commits.

I think it's pretty much up to you whether you prefer to have accurate line counts, or accurate commit counts.

This is fundamental limitation in Ohloh that I hope we can eventually change -- but it's probably going to be a while before we have the manpower to tackle this problem.

Robin Luckey over 16 years ago