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Claimed by The GNOME Foundation Analyzed about 2 months ago

The GNOME project provides two things: The GNOME desktop environment, an intuitive and attractive desktop for users, and the GNOME development platform, an extensive framework for building applications that integrate into the rest of the desktop.

24.1M lines of code

776 current contributors

about 2 months since last commit

2,520 users on Open Hub

Activity Not Available
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Licenses: gpl, gpl3_or_l..., lgpl21_or...



  Analyzed 1 day ago

Manage and connect to virtual machine and remote display easily.

14.6K lines of code

60 current contributors

29 days since last commit

166 users on Open Hub

Low Activity
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  Analyzed 2 days ago

Rygel is a collection of DLNA (UPnP AV) services (devices in UPnP speak), implemented through a plug-in mechanism. UPnP in simplest words is a set of protocols that defines how different devices on a home network can seamlessly (without or with minimum configuration) communicate with each other. ... [More] UPnP AV defines how multimedia systems could be built on top of that. DLNA in simple words is a long list of rules that implementers must comply to if they want to achieve interoperability with other implementations in the market. [Less]

35.7K lines of code

12 current contributors

about 2 months since last commit

104 users on Open Hub

Very Low Activity
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  Analyzed 1 day ago

Vala is a new programming language that aims to bring modern programming language features to GNOME developers without imposing any additional runtime requirements and without using a different ABI compared to applications and libraries written in C.

378K lines of code

16 current contributors

3 months since last commit

73 users on Open Hub

Low Activity
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  Analyzed about 22 hours ago

Shotwell is a new open source photo organizer designed for the GNOME desktop environment. It allows you to import photos from your camera, view and edit them, and share them with others.

136K lines of code

23 current contributors

4 days since last commit

33 users on Open Hub

Moderate Activity
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Clutter Toolkit


  Analyzed 1 day ago

Clutter is an open source (LGPLv2.1+) software library for creating fast, compelling, portable, and dynamic graphical user interfaces. It is a core part of MeeGo, and is supported by the open source community. Its development is sponsored by Intel. Clutter uses OpenGL for rendering (and ... [More] optionally OpenGL|ES for use on mobile and embedded platforms), but wraps an easy to use, efficient, flexible API around GL's complexity. Clutter enforces no particular user interface style, but provides a rich, generic foundation for higher-level toolkits tailored to specific needs. [Less]

225K lines of code

16 current contributors

over 2 years since last commit

26 users on Open Hub

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  Analyzed 2 days ago

XNOISE is a media player for Gtk+ with a slick GUI, great speed and lots of features. Unlike Rhythmbox, Banshee or itunes, Xnoise uses a tracklist centric design. The tracklist is a list of video or music tracks that are played one by one without being removed. This gives you the possibility to ... [More] queue any track in any order, regardless if they are on the same album. The tracks can be reordered at any time via drag and drop. The media browser contains all available media in a hierarchical tree structure of the available metadata. It is easy to find a single track, artist or album by going through this tree or by just entering a search term. From the media browser, music or videos can be dragged into the tracklist to every position. Single or multiple tracks, streams, albums or... [Less]

46.1K lines of code

0 current contributors

over 7 years since last commit

12 users on Open Hub

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  No analysis available

Val(a)IDE is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for the Vala programming language.

0 lines of code

0 current contributors

0 since last commit

10 users on Open Hub

Activity Not Available
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Mostly written in language not available
Licenses: gpl3_or_l...



  No analysis available

libgee is a collection library providing GObject-based interfaces and classes for commonly used data structures. libgee provides the following interfaces: Iterable, Collection, List, Set, Iterator, Map. The ArrayList, HashSet, and HashMap classes provide a reasonable sample implementation of the List, Set, and Map interfaces.

0 lines of code

2 current contributors

0 since last commit

8 users on Open Hub

Activity Not Available
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Mostly written in language not available
Licenses: lgpl



  Analyzed 1 day ago

AllTray is a program you can use on Unix-like systems such as GNU/Linux or FreeBSD running the X Window System to dock any application which doesn’t have a native tray icon into the system tray/notification area. AllTray works with any desktop environment which fully adheres to the ICCCM and EWMH ... [More] specifications. Development takes place at Launchpad. [Less]

22.4K lines of code

0 current contributors

almost 2 years since last commit

7 users on Open Hub

Very Low Activity
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