Whistler Bot is a XMPP bot with MUC (multi-user-conference) support, designed to be easy to extend and written in python, using both xmpppy and SleepXMPP in parallel. Whistler is designed to keep a MUC room and execute commands, like a patch bot or any feature that you can programming for.
OneTeam desktop is a nice, featureful XMPP client. It has unique and advanced features such as visual roster, conversation threading, command line, history browsing, remote debugging, correction, Nigle voice calls, and Jingle Relay Nodes.
Released under MPL 1.1 and GPL 2.0, it is based on the
... [More] Mozilla Gecko platform and is available as a Firefox extention, or a standalone client for Mac OS X, Linux, and Windows. [Less]
Jeti is a Java Jabber client that supports most chat features such as file transfer, group chat, emoticons, and formatted messages. It can be used as an application or as a Web applet.
A simple Python script that checks for updates on an Apt (Debian/Ubuntu) or Yum (Fedora/Redhat/Centos) based system and emails a notification and/or sends jabber messages to various admins.
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