Python implementation of Intel HEX file format allows you read, modify, write hex files and convert them to binary form.
The Intel HEX file format widely used in microprocessors and microcontrollers area as the de-facto standard for representation of code for programming microelectronic devices.
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This library provides support for reading, modifying, writing Intel HEX files. You also can create new files from the scratch, convert from and/or to binary form, print human-readable dump of data, merge 2 or more files into one, etc.
There are several helper scripts: hex2bin, bin2hex, hex2dump and hexmerge. [Less]
LUNA Universal Networking Architecture (LUNA) is the execution framework that is used by TERRA for its support of (Communicating Sequential Processes) CSP models in applications. LUNA is also perfectly usable without TERRA for (embedded) control software, as it provides lots of convenience features:
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* Component based
* Operating System and Hardware abstraction
* OS and User threading support
* Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP) execution engine
* Lock Free Queue (LFQ) implementations
* And more...
LUNA is being developed at the Robotics and Mechatronics chair of the University of Twente [Less]
Computadora Industrial Abierta Argentina (CIAA)
La CIAA es una plataforma electrónica preparada especialmente para aplicaciones industriales, cuyo diseño está disponible para ser usado libre y gratuitamente en el desarrollo de productos y servicios.
La CIAA nació a partir de una iniciativa de
... [More] CADIEEL y la ACSE con el objetivo de promover el crecimiento de la industria nacional, y hoy es el resultado del trabajo colaborativo de decenas de empresas y universidades de la República Argentina. [Less]
LiteASM is a Light weight and reconfigurable Assembly language compiler and Virtual Machine. It is specially design for embedded systems to use as a portable script interface.
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