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  Analyzed 3 days ago

An Integrated Development Environment for Haskell written in Haskell.

150K lines of code

5 current contributors

about 2 years since last commit

6 users on Open Hub

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*lite CSS


  Analyzed 3 days ago

*lite CSS is a simple, lightweight and relatively easy to understand (x)HTML+CSS "framework" (actually it is just one stupid CSS file and some basic divs with id and class attributes to compose it) which anybody can grab and use as a base to build their own W3C standards compliant, accessible ... [More] , table-less layout without the need to reinvent the wheel and experience the trouble while testing and trying to make it work flawlessly in every browser again. (Update: Thanks to recent death of IE6, this is now needed much less than in the past, but can be useful anyway. Also note that *lite CSS is included as an essential part of the Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware since Tiki version 3.) [Less]

536 lines of code

0 current contributors

almost 16 years since last commit

6 users on Open Hub

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Tacos - Tapestry Components


  Analyzed 5 days ago

The Tacos library project provides components and ajax behaviour for the Tapestry Java Web application framework. Most of the functionality is based on the dojo Javascript library. The intent is to provide a library of high quality components that may be used in your tapestry application, as well as ... [More] provide a core infrastructure for using ajax related logic in these and your own components and pages. [Less]

163K lines of code

0 current contributors

over 13 years since last commit

6 users on Open Hub

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Google Code Prettify


  Analyzed 5 days ago

A Javascript module and CSS file that allows syntax highlighting of source code snippets in an html page.

12.4K lines of code

4 current contributors

about 4 years since last commit

6 users on Open Hub

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LXR Cross Referencer


  Analyzed 1 day ago

The Linux Cross-Reference project is the testbed application of a general hypertext cross-referencing tool. Its main goal is to create a versatile cross-referencing tool for relatively large code repositories. The main feature of the indexer is the ability to jump easily to the declaration of any ... [More] global identifier. Quick access to function declarations, data (type) definitions and preprocessor macros makes code browsing more convenient. At-a-glance overview of which code areas will be affected by changing a function or type definition should also come in useful during development and debugging. Please note that the CVS repository is now superseded by a Git repository and is frozen roughly to its October 2014 state. [Less]

25.1K lines of code

1 current contributors

11 months since last commit

5 users on Open Hub

Very Low Activity
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  Analyzed 1 day ago

TkCVS is a Tcl/Tk-based graphical interface to the CVS and Subversion configuration management systems. It will also help with RCS. The user interface is consistent across Unix/Linux, Windows, and MacOS X. TkDiff is included for browsing and merging your changes.

4.85K lines of code

0 current contributors

over 8 years since last commit

5 users on Open Hub

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  No analysis available

Polvo helps you to develop non-standard modules over a file-based open source project and keep your ability to upgrade the base software and mantain your modifications. It was developed specifically for PHP+MySQL, but will work in other environments. It basically manages sets of new files, patches and sql queries.

0 lines of code

0 current contributors

0 since last commit

5 users on Open Hub

Activity Not Available
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Mostly written in language not available
Licenses: Artistic_...



  Analyzed 5 days ago

Redbean is an ORM layer that designs a database - on the fly - to fit your code. With RedBeanPHP you don't need configuration files, data mapping files or SQL imports. You even don't have to write models! Just enter your database connection string and include RedBean. RedBean will just generate all ... [More] the tables you need out of the blue as soon as you start coding. What's more... RedBean also takes care of indexes, redundant tables and eliminates race-conditions. Object relational mapping coding has never been this easy! [Less]

26.1K lines of code

8 current contributors

3 months since last commit

5 users on Open Hub

Very Low Activity
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Data Hierarchy


  Analyzed 1 day ago

The question I very often have is: which objects (recursively) are loaded in memory if a particular object is created? If you know Call Hierarchy plugin, you will find the Data Hierarchy very similar. It searches selected Java classes for declared fields, and starting with the found "Data" it ... [More] recursively looks for fields which are declared on found classes ("Hierarchy"). At the end you can see kind of "Data Hierarchy" tree. The plugin can not detect reflection based data, data inside non-generic collections, data which is stored as "Object" etc. This is of course a very rough estimation of the real data hierarchy, but works perfectly for a quick walk over data structures/dependencies during code reviews. Additionally plugin can restrict the search to static fields only. [Less]

4.14K lines of code

0 current contributors

almost 4 years since last commit

5 users on Open Hub

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  Analyzed 3 days ago

EQdkp Plus is an Open Source DKP system written in PHP/Mysql created to administer DKP points especially for World of Warcraft.

30.6K lines of code

0 current contributors

about 10 years since last commit

4 users on Open Hub

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