23 shared projects Mozilla Firefox, sudo, GNU grep, GNU Compiler Collection, GNU Core Utilities, PHP, Apache OpenOffice, X.Org, GNU tar, MySQL, OpenSSH, GNU GRUB, Firebug, phpMyAdmin, Bash, Linux Kernel, Wget, Git, GNU Make, GNU findutils, VLC media player, GIMP, Vim
1 unique project rsync
22 shared projects Apache HTTP Server, sudo, Firebug, GIMP, OpenSSH, PHP, phpMyAdmin, MySQL, Bash, Linux Kernel, GNU grep, Apache OpenOffice, Vim, GNU Core Utilities, Mozilla Firefox, GNU tar, GNU Compiler Collection, Wget, GNU Make, GNU GRUB, VLC media player, OpenSSL
No unique projects
24 shared projects Mozilla Firefox, Apache HTTP Server, MySQL, GNU Compiler Collection, Linux Kernel, PHP, Bash, GNU grep, GNU findutils, Firebug, sudo, GNU Make, phpMyAdmin, Vim, OpenSSL, GNU Core Utilities, GNU tar, GIMP, OpenSSH, X.Org, Wget, GNU GRUB, Apache OpenOffice, VLC media player
4 unique projects GNOME, Apache Subversion, rsync, GNU Screen
24 shared projects Wget, GNU Core Utilities, Git, Apache HTTP Server, Mozilla Firefox, phpMyAdmin, Bash, Linux Kernel, GNU grep, sudo, OpenSSH, GNU GRUB, OpenSSL, MySQL, GNU tar, Apache OpenOffice, Vim, GNU Compiler Collection, GNU Make, GNU findutils, PHP, VLC media player, Firebug, X.Org
4 unique projects Airbnb JavaScript, PuTTY, Apache Subversion, Mapbender
24 shared projects GNU Make, Mozilla Firefox, Apache HTTP Server, Apache OpenOffice, GNU grep, MySQL, OpenSSL, PHP, VLC media player, Linux Kernel, Firebug, GNU Compiler Collection, phpMyAdmin, GNU tar, GNU findutils, Bash, sudo, X.Org, OpenSSH, GIMP, Vim, GNU Core Utilities, Wget, GNU GRUB
4 unique projects PuTTY, bzip2, Apache Subversion, rsync
21 shared projects Apache OpenOffice, GNU GRUB, GIMP, Wget, Mozilla Firefox, X.Org, GNU Make, PHP, GNU Core Utilities, OpenSSH, MySQL, GNU tar, sudo, Apache HTTP Server, GNU grep, GNU Compiler Collection, Linux Kernel, Vim, Git, Bash, Python programming language
1 unique project Apache Subversion
24 shared projects phpMyAdmin, Git, GIMP, Linux Kernel, VLC media player, OpenSSL, X.Org, Bash, Mozilla Firefox, sudo, Wget, GNU Make, GNU grep, GNU tar, Apache HTTP Server, GNU Compiler Collection, OpenSSH, Apache OpenOffice, GNU Core Utilities, Firebug, MySQL, GNU GRUB, PHP, GNU findutils
5 unique projects Rygel, GStreamer, GNOME, Atom - The hackable editor, Apache Subversion
23 shared projects Mozilla Firefox, Apache HTTP Server, MySQL, PHP, Bash, phpMyAdmin, Linux Kernel, sudo, GNU grep, GIMP, GNU tar, OpenSSH, GNU Compiler Collection, X.Org, Vim, Wget, GNU Core Utilities, VLC media player, OpenSSL, GNU findutils, Git, Python programming language, GNU GRUB
4 unique projects PuTTY, rsync, Thunderbird, GNOME
23 shared projects GNU tar, Wget, GNU GRUB, GNU findutils, GNU Make, Apache HTTP Server, Mozilla Firefox, sudo, Apache OpenOffice, OpenSSL, PHP, X.Org, OpenSSH, GNU Core Utilities, MySQL, phpMyAdmin, Bash, Vim, Firebug, Linux Kernel, GNU grep, GIMP, GNU Compiler Collection
4 unique projects GNOME, The Bug Genie, PuTTY, GNU Screen
23 shared projects Mozilla Firefox, Apache HTTP Server, Apache OpenOffice, GIMP, sudo, MySQL, Firebug, X.Org, GNU GRUB, GNU Make, PHP, GNU grep, VLC media player, GNU findutils, OpenSSL, GNU Compiler Collection, OpenSSH, GNU Core Utilities, Wget, phpMyAdmin, Bash, Linux Kernel, GNU tar
4 unique projects Apache Subversion, PuTTY, rsync, GNOME
23 shared projects Mozilla Firefox, MySQL, Apache HTTP Server, PHP, Linux Kernel, Firebug, phpMyAdmin, Bash, GNU Core Utilities, GNU grep, Apache OpenOffice, OpenSSH, Wget, sudo, GIMP, GNU tar, GNU Compiler Collection, Vim, X.Org, GNU Make, GNU GRUB, VLC media player, OpenSSL
3 unique projects Apache Subversion, PuTTY, bzip2
22 shared projects Wget, PHP, MySQL, Git, Bash, phpMyAdmin, Linux Kernel, Vim, GNU grep, sudo, GNU tar, OpenSSH, OpenSSL, GNU Compiler Collection, GNU Core Utilities, X.Org, GIMP, GNU Make, GNU GRUB, Apache OpenOffice, VLC media player, GNU findutils
3 unique projects bzip2, nginx, Xfce Terminal