I Use This!
Very High Activity


Analyzed 4 days ago. based on code collected 4 days ago.

Contributes to GIMP as Federico Mena Quintero

Contributes to Pidgin IM (ex-Gaim) as Federico Mena Quintero

Contributes to Git as Federico Mena Quintero

and 26 other projects
Kudo Rank
KudoRank 9

Contributes to Mozilla Firefox

Contributes to Thunderbird

Contributes to SeaMonkey

and 29 other projects
Kudo Rank
KudoRank 9

Contributes to Wine

Contributes to Linux NTFS file system support

Contributes to KDE

and 130 other projects
Kudo Rank
KudoRank 9

Contributes to Mozilla Firefox

Contributes to GStreamer

Contributes to GNOME

and 9 other projects
Kudo Rank
KudoRank 9

Contributes to Mozilla Firefox

Contributes to Thunderbird

Contributes to Pidgin IM (ex-Gaim)

and 5 other projects
Kudo Rank
KudoRank 9

Contributes to Mozilla Firefox as Hub Figuiere

Contributes to Dia as Hubert Figuiere

Contributes to AbiWord

and 45 other projects
Kudo Rank
KudoRank 9

Contributes to Wine

Contributes to Net-SNMP

Contributes to GNU Libtool

and 27 other projects
Kudo Rank
KudoRank 9

Contributes to Mozilla Firefox as Siddharth Agarwal [<[email protected]>

Contributes to Thunderbird

Contributes to Bugzilla

and 14 other projects
Kudo Rank
KudoRank 9

Contributes to Mozilla Firefox

Contributes to Thunderbird

Contributes to SeaMonkey

and 21 other projects
Kudo Rank
KudoRank 9

Contributes to tcpdump as Dmitry Eremin-Solenikov

Contributes to QEMU as Dmitry Eremin-Solenikov

Contributes to Linux Kernel as Dmitry Eremin-Solenikov

and 41 other projects
Kudo Rank
KudoRank 9