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Commits : Listings

Analyzed 3 days ago. based on code collected 3 days ago.
Jun 14, 2023 — Jun 14, 2024
Commit Message Contributor Files Modified Lines Added Lines Removed Code Location Date
updated some more mesages to use the threadsafe message lib to prevent the old event (state) manager from crashing the server More... over 10 years ago
forgot to add this More... over 10 years ago
added some debug code to delve depper in the remaining ooo packet issues fixed an issue with using crates / stackables with crafting fixed an issue withbattlefatigue with the ham More... over 10 years ago
fixed a regression were callbacks of the UI Manager wernt taken up because the callback functions parameters wernt updated More... over 10 years ago
- fixed an issue where the boost time was initialized with universal time and later returned the local time More... over 10 years ago
- resolved an issue where the clock wouldnt update in chat log and connectionservers as it has been taken out of the messagefactory More... over 10 years ago
- updated the PlayerObject<event to use PlayerObject* only and not tzhe mixture out of shared and classic pointer More... over 10 years ago
- fixed an issue with senddelta were a message could be orphaned when the recipient was invalid - fixed an issue with the ObjectEvents were there was a mismatch between Object* and shared_ptr<Object> types which through a standard cast might have led to undefined behaviour More... over 10 years ago
- fixed an issue with buffs where a copy of a buff would be made and retained that would prevent future buffs from being made (and be a memoiry leak) - updated the stats delta creator messages to return true in case of serialized updates in order to prevent null updates from being made - fixed an issue where a completely healed character wouldnt be removed from the regeneration timer More... over 10 years ago
- implemented a concurrent queue holding pointers to messagefactory in the messagelib which is used to provide concurrent messagefactory access - updated the delta broadcast and send messages to get themselves a dedicated messagefactory from the concurrent queue so as to provide threadsafe access to these functions - updated the event dispatcher and the ham regeneration to provide multithreaded functionality - updated the messagebuilder events to use old fashioned pointers as not to get nullptr casts all the time when casting from creatureobject to object (this might be a vs 2010 issue) More... over 10 years ago
fixed several issues introduced with the latest commit. - calling a vehicle wont crash the zone - adding wounds will add the player to the regeneration timer - listboxes will properly identify the selection again - the dispatchers subscriptions have been updated to CreatureObject instead of Creature More... over 10 years ago
Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/swganh/mmoserver More... over 10 years ago
- updated the projects copyright to 2006-2014 - removed hardcoded deltas in the creaturelib dealing with ham and force - updated creatureLibs Baselines to be a little cleaner and to use the new ham methods for hamserialization - complete rewrite of the creature ham - we now have a hammanager dealing with the gamelogic and accessing the creature Object for its data - implemented network vectors for the ham lists to enable autoserialization - added the respective getters and setters to the creatureObject in order to deal with the ham vectors - added the hammanager to the new service code so that it can be accessed as one of the kernels services - added initializer code to the network vector - added initializers all of the creatureObjects ham setters and getters so we are able to add the initial data without triggering delta serialization - removed loads of BString - refactored the UIManager so it uses StringVector instead of BStringVector (std::string) - updated all code already using ham to use the new ham service - implemented bank and inventory credit auto serialization - removed the entertainer->stopentertaining() out of the players destructor to prevent the code trying acxcess the (already destroyed) client in order to update the watchers which will crash the server. This code will now be executed by the worldmanagers destroy object - divided the players query in the playerobjectfactory as to have the ham elements singled out for better initialization of the player ham - removed the hamscheduler from the worldmanager. The hamservice has its own scheduler - updated the worldmanager save query to save all ham elements - Medic and entertainermanager will now receive the kernel as parameters instead of dispatch client and / or database More... over 10 years ago
Updated Admin System Messages' More... over 10 years ago
-work on the framework - renamed getters and setters for the player banks homeplanet and getting and setting the amount of cash / inventory credits accordingliy to getCredits / setCredits - updateCredits will now add / or deduct Credits for the inventory or the Bank - These functions are now thread safe, also they will call Persist and Delta Events - Implemented the first Persist Events in the CreatureFactory to persist the players Credits and the PlayerBank - updated the Creo 1 BAseline to showcase a little cleaner code - removed the old manual Deltas for Credits - Updated the Factories to accept the Kernel instead of the DB as initialization parameter. This will enable use of the eventmanager for Persist Events - Credits will now always be represented as uint32 instead of int32 More... over 10 years ago
- Implemented Auto Deltas for Inventory Credits - Implemented Auto SQL Updates for Inventory Credits both of them using events More... over 10 years ago
fixed a bug I introduced a few commits ago with placing a player house More... over 10 years ago
- fixed a major memory leak in the MYSQL database were the result and the statement were assigned to unique pointers in the resultset and the resultset was freed via the boost:ordered_free. However, due to an unknown reason the unique pointer kept ownership of the result and the statement thus leading to the memory of these queries still being allocated over zone runtime. Fixing this issue resultet in the memory footprint being halfed - fixed a minor memory leak with the customization string not freeing all temporary requested memory - started implementing Playerfactory events for saving player data More... over 10 years ago
- fixed an issue with the admin commands - start adding support for chained events to prevent race conditions More... over 10 years ago
- removed an unnecessary assert More... over 10 years ago
- work on Objects and queries More... over 10 years ago
-implemented auto Delta updates for the Objects (creature / player / item) custom name -in the wak got rid of a lot of BString -Implemented Teleport / Teleportto / Teleporttarget / admin setname - with the exception of teleport these only work as long as the admin is on the relevant zone - fixed an issue that still caused disconnects after midnight (the clock object returned (milli)seconds past midnight instead of an ever continuing second count - updated some queries to use stringstream instead of the int8[20000] buffer - fixed an issue with eruptors npc handler that might lead to an infinite while loop locking the server - the clock will now return milliseconds past epoch (1.1.1970) - version has been set to 0.3 More... over 10 years ago
-removed some more BSTring -changed some wstring to u16string (u16string is 2bytes across all platforms whereas wstrinng is platformdependant) -added the mmoserverdb with all relevant tables to run the current build -added the /kick command for admins it will kick the player and ban him for an amount of time -added admin teleport teleportto teleporttarget to the skillcommands db -the aforementioned commands are currently granted at novice_admin level -you still have to manually add admin skills in the db at this point, though a master admin might want to try to teach t hem :P -the log server will now check every 5 seconds for players whose ban have expired Signed-off-by: schmunzel <[email protected]> More... over 10 years ago
- fixed an issue in the seesion that *might* be the reason for the remaining disconnects - fixed a crash issue by portin the UI Callbacks from the structures to the structuremanager - thus the deleted structure object now cannot crash the client on callback - got rid of some more BString - the UI callbacks will now use shared_ptr - the UI Manager will now accept async containers for windows (via shared_ptr) More... over 10 years ago
- fixed an issue with auto serialization of YALP Packets were erroneously the creature ID was given - fixed an issue with waypoint deletion were the playerObject was erroneously cast to a datapad - fixed an issue with the swganh_app threadpool were the io_thread pool was reduced to zero. However the threadpool is used for gathering tre data More... over 10 years ago
- fixed an issue were the posix_time in the clock object wasnt initialized properly on start More... over 10 years ago
- removed the old files that were oriiginally deleted out of the directories - plus cheers for copy / paste More... over 10 years ago
some missing files added More... over 10 years ago
initial commit -added boost posix:time time interval functionality to the clock this will now be used to circumvent the midnight time madness issue More... over 10 years ago
Updated ReadME More... over 10 years ago