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Posted almost 5 years ago by The Beez
Hi 4tH-ers! Since adding binary search to uBasic was a success I wondered whether further use of this algorithm would enhance the performance even more. But there was one difference - these were not text searches, it were integer searches. And would those have a similar behavior? As always, the
Posted almost 5 years ago by The Beez
Hi 4tH-ers! I got very little coding to do. I looked this morning, but all was implemented. So I'm up to the manual. I've collected all remarks concerning the manual in one single folder and I'll be checking them off. Sure, I'm fallible. So if there's anything you'd say "don't forget this",
Posted almost 5 years ago by The Beez
It's kind of what it name implies ;-) Hans Bezemer
Posted almost 5 years ago by Timur
Hi, my name is Timur. Please forgive me if there are errors in the English language, since my native language is Russian. I am not a professional programmer, however, I make programs for cnc machines. I can tell you something about your question. To receive a response from the Forth interpreter
Posted almost 5 years ago by The Beez
Hi 4tH-ers! I've uploaded a completely new implementation of STRSTACK.4TH. I knew I wasn't happy with it when I created it and when I took a good look I couldn't figure out what it was doing, so that decision was easily made. In my defense I must say that 4tH was quite a different beast then and
Posted almost 5 years ago by Beestje
I already use "Forths on the web" (the links I provided) to work out small routines. Personally, I don't see myself working out entire programs on the web. It's like 4tH on a tablet or a Nanonote. Yes, it can be done, but it's not comfortable working. I lack an editor. A prompt is (to me) very
Posted almost 5 years ago by rjeffries
I have yet to make peace with any flavor of Forth. Something in the browser is appealing to me. I admire what Hans has created. I might use his .csv mangling tools. But just an interactive Forth with a decent UI would be appealing On Thu, Aug 8, 2019, 8:50 AM John Peters
Posted almost 5 years ago by John A. Peters
Question – visualize the project working. How would it benefit you. What would you use it for? John Alan Peters owner BrooklineElectric.com 415-239-5393 TEXT/cell On Aug 8, 2019, at 6:08 AM, Ron K. Jeffries
Posted almost 5 years ago by rjeffries
Cool idea. Please make it so. On Tue, Aug 6, 2019, 3:21 PM John Peters
Posted almost 5 years ago by The Beez
Hi 4tH-ers! I told you: "maybe I ought to make things easier:. And I did. I created the BROW library, which is very close to the ROW library. Note: keep your tables sorted! I banged into that one while debugging :-( Differences: - ROW has a terminator, this one needs a count; - ROW returns the