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Analyzed about 17 hours ago. based on code collected about 21 hours ago.
Apr 24, 2023 — Apr 24, 2024
Commit Message Contributor Files Modified Lines Added Lines Removed Code Location Date
REPORTING-740: Replace SessionFactory with DbSessionFactory More... over 8 years ago
[maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration More... over 8 years ago
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release 1.5 More... over 8 years ago
Merge pull request #19 from alexei-grigoriev/REPORT-732 More... almost 9 years ago
REPORT-732 Throw ObjectNotFoundException if resource definition does not exist More... almost 9 years ago
[maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration More... about 9 years ago
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release 1.4 More... about 9 years ago
Merge pull request #18 from kristopherschmidt/REPORT-723 More... about 9 years ago
REPORT-723: add 1.12.x support to all resources More... about 9 years ago
Updated the REST resources to support 1.10 and 1.11 - RA-579 More... about 9 years ago
[maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration More... over 9 years ago
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release 1.3 More... over 9 years ago
Use released version of reporting module; use previous version of maven-javadoc-plugin More... over 9 years ago
Fix build to reflect reporting api changes in latest snapshot, and to use the released version of webservices.rest More... almost 10 years ago
REPORT-671 - Previewing an Ad Hoc Dataset with no row filters should return all rows, not none More... almost 10 years ago
REPORT-671 - Previewing an Ad Hoc Dataset with no row filters should return all rows, not none More... almost 10 years ago
REPORT-671 - Previewing an Ad Hoc Dataset with no row filters should return all rows, not none More... almost 10 years ago
RA-278 - Translating parameters in popup for columns and searches with user-specified parameters in the Ad Hoc Analysis tool More... almost 10 years ago
RA-325 - Delete Ad Hoc Datasets More... almost 10 years ago
RA-278 - Bugfix for the scenario where there are parameters, but only global ones More... almost 10 years ago
Added a null check to address failing tests from last commit UHM-1163 - Hospitalization export should pull any patients hospitalized within that timeframe UHM-1216 - Outcome on Hospitalization export should reflect the outcome at end of timeframe More... almost 10 years ago
REPORT-670 - Ad Hoc Dataset resource should support OpenmrsObject parameter types RA-278 - Support for columns and searches with user-specified parameters in the Ad Hoc Analysis tool More... almost 10 years ago
Follow-up fix from REPORT-508, which updated all reporting module scheduled tasks to use Daemon rather than scheduler username/password global properties. This has required updating the minimum version of OpenMRS to 1.9.2 for this module, as this is now the minimum version of reporting. More... almost 10 years ago
REPORT-650 - Move AdHocDataSet from Reporting UI to Reporting REST More... about 10 years ago
REPORTING-615: ReportingRest module fails to compile against latest version of the Rest module (version 2.5-SNAPSHOT) More... about 10 years ago
Upgraded reporting to 0.8.1 More... about 10 years ago
Workaround for the fact that the core webservices.rest module doesn't nicely convert Maps, so we need to manually handle cohorts More... over 10 years ago
Workaround for the fact that the core webservices.rest module doesn't nicely convert Maps, so we need to manually handle evaluated cohorts. More... over 10 years ago
Fetching a Definition should also say what class it is More... over 10 years ago
Added a resource for evaluating a full report definition (not just a dataset at a time) More... over 10 years ago