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Commits : Listings

Analyzed 11 days ago. based on code collected 12 days ago.
May 29, 2023 — May 29, 2024
Commit Message Contributor Files Modified Lines Added Lines Removed Code Location Date
Provided alternate read methods that allow us to specify the ID of the data being loaded. This is becoming more crucial as we start having more tags that read nested XML files outside of normal XML includes. More... over 16 years ago
Fixed a long-standing error reporting defficiency in XmlReader. Now errors in nested files (through standard XML external entity definition) will be properly attributed to the real file. More... over 16 years ago
Added constants to define xml.listValue and xml.progressive to ultimately replace the literals "listValue" and "progressive". The old versions are supported with a warning issued. More... over 16 years ago
Added a contructor that takes a NumberFormat to use for formatting. More... over 16 years ago
Added a TemplateExpressionProcessor subclass that uses smart type look-ups and a format registry to convert values to strings. This is pretty cool since "${foo} ${bar} ${dateField}" will look-up the appropriate object to string conversions for foo, bar, and dateField... no more fully expanded Dates in a template expression if you already have a more abbreviated format defined. More... over 16 years ago
Added a comment to guide me on future expeditions. More... over 16 years ago
Updated WindowManager to be more selective in how it cascades. More... over 16 years ago
Fixed a limitation in the swing implementation of UserRequestHandler that limited owners to Frames. More... over 16 years ago
Fixed some progress state bugs. More... over 16 years ago
Added some utility methods for converting objects to byte[] arrays and back again... assuming they are serializable. More... over 16 years ago
If the Fixable interface is our way of handling temporary mutability then it should be properly supported, I think. More... over 16 years ago
Modified BeanUtils to ignore the "fixed" field when dealing with Fixable implementors. The "fixed" field should never really be part of the adjustable properties on a meta-object. It's almost a victim of bad naming since it only allows a state change in one direction, I probably should have called the method simple "fixObject" and then we wouldn't have this issue... well, we sort of would.a More... over 16 years ago
Just a format change. More... over 16 years ago
Modified the XML graph renderer and reader to better deal with edges that are also nodes. This should be backwards compatible on the reading side. The writer will definitely produce XML that old graph readers won't be able to read. More... over 16 years ago
Moved the setEnabled() just in case. It shouldn't really matter but technically the setting of the view context may change the enabled state and we don't forward the listeners until after that discepancy would happen. More... over 16 years ago
Added code to reactivate parent windows when a child is destroyed. More... over 16 years ago
Fixed the build. More... over 16 years ago
Modified the WindowManager to support window owners. It is now possible to create windows that are owned by other windows as long as their context relationship is also defined that way. In practice, Swing/AWT makes this a bit painful, though since Frames can't have owners... so a normal mapping to Frame/JFrame can't do much with this. However, factories can always be configured for certain types of context to create Dialogs, Windows, etc. that do have a concept of owner. More... over 16 years ago
Added better support for ObservableList since it's an odd one about how it handles properties. More... over 16 years ago
Added another property access implementation... it extends the normal action property stuff to deal specifically with ActionLists. Basically, it allows an expression to be used to find an action by name. More... over 16 years ago
Modified edge identiy graph to extend SerializableGraph to provide serialization support. More... over 16 years ago
Don't set a null view context during initialization... it's confusing to a lot of the subclasses. More... almost 17 years ago
Forgot to add the edge-nodes as nodes also. Designed for it... just forgot to put it in. More... almost 17 years ago
Added a DefaultGraph subclass that essentially fixes serialization. It uses a temporary object that it serializes instead of itself. This object will re-resolve back into the original graph type and load up the data. DefaultGraph misses initializing some of its internal transient members during deserialization. These are private and in some cases final so the only way to properly instantiate a working DefaultGraph is with "new". Thus the temporary holding object to avoid directly serializing or deserializing DefaultGraph. More... almost 17 years ago
Update the compatibility to 1.5 More... almost 17 years ago
Moved the enum property renderer to its own top level class and put it in the package with the other renderers. Also registered it as a default renderer. More... almost 17 years ago
Meant to remove enum handler since its no longer necessary with the updates to Inspector to handle constructing enumerated values from strings. More... almost 17 years ago
Added EnumUtils class which provides some basic utility methods for working with enumerated types. Also includes an XmlPropertyRender for writing out enums in XML. Updated Inspector to be able to handle constructing enumerated values from strings. Tests for this new functionality was also added. More... almost 17 years ago
Augmented the Runtime exception with field and value info. This aids debuggers by allowing a zoom to the offending field rather then a general error on the class in general. More... almost 17 years ago
Fixed a bug where the simple type transformer was trying to transform types that it didn't have to. More... almost 17 years ago