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Analyzed 4 days ago. based on code collected 4 days ago.
Posted almost 13 years ago by mark
0.6.3-1 was quietly released a few weeks ago. To document it: it’s a minor release which fixes a single bug in the caching system’s timeout. The bug caused cache elements to be removed by default after 9 days of inactivity, rather than the more sensible (and intended) 90. A cache element’s activity is measured by [...]
Posted almost 13 years ago
0.6.3-1 was quietly released a few weeks ago. To document it: it's a minor release which fixes a single bug in the caching system's timeout. The bug caused cache elements to be removed by default after 9 days of inactivity, rather than the more ... [More] sensible (and intended) 90. A cache element's activity is measured by the most recent cache hit for the element. It is possible to override the timeout by calling [sourcecode language='php_snippet'] luminous::set('cache-age', $your_new_timeout_in_seconds);…[...] [Less]
Posted almost 13 years ago by mark
Version 0.6.3 of your favourite syntax highlighter is released. Get your copy from the download page. 0.6.3 brings two new features: Highlighting support for Ada code, and the ability to store your highlight cache in a MySQL table. Support for other databases will hopefully come in future. For information on how to do this, check [...]
Posted almost 13 years ago
Version 0.6.3 of your favourite syntax highlighter is released. Get your copy from the download page. 0.6.3 brings two new features: Highlighting support for Ada code, and the ability to store your highlight cache in a MySQL table. Support for other ... [More] databases will hopefully come in future. For information on how to do this, check out the cache page of the user documentation.…[...] [Less]
Posted about 13 years ago
The documentation on the site has been significantly improved: We now have a troubleshooting page listing some common errors, and a lot more detail on writing your own scanner, including a brand new overview of the filtering system. Woo. There is also the
Posted about 13 years ago by mark
The documentation on the site has been significantly improved: We now have a troubleshooting page listing some common errors, and a lot more detail on writing your own scanner, including a brand new overview of the filtering system. Woo. There is also the documentation map (sitemap/pagelist) which contains a list of what pages are there [...]
Posted about 13 years ago by mark
0.6.2. is released. Get it from the download site. 0.6.2 sports three exciting new features: a command line interface, a full-page HTML formatter and language guessing. The full page HTML formatter can be accessed by setting the format option to ‘html-full’. The language guessing you will find to be either scarily accurate or totally useless [...]
Posted about 13 years ago
0.6.2. is released. Get it from the download site. 0.6.2 sports three exciting new features: a command line interface, a full-page HTML formatter and language guessing. The full page HTML formatter can be accessed by setting the format option to ... [More] 'html-full'. The language guessing you will find to be either scarily accurate or totally useless depending on what languages you use, but generally, if you're providing full or at least large…[...] [Less]
Posted about 13 years ago by mark
0.6.1 is released with some major fixes since 0.6.0. Get it from the usual place (where we now have some actual packages, not just the github generated archives). The biggest fixes are related to PCRE problems. On the older PHP/PCRE releases, everything is fine, but I upgraded my box to the Kubuntu 11.04 release yesterday [...]
Posted about 13 years ago
0.6.1 is released with some major fixes since 0.6.0. Get it from the usual place (where we now have some actual packages, not just the github generated archives). The biggest fixes are related to PCRE problems. On the older PHP/PCRE releases ... [More] , everything is fine, but I upgraded my box to the Kubuntu 11.04 release yesterday (from 10.04 -- fresh install rather than update), and the version of PHP it ships with introduces some huge…[...] [Less]