Contributes to Spring Framework
Contributes to Acegi Security System for Spring as carlossg
Contributes to Apache Maven 2 as carlos
and 27 other projectsContributes to Apache Maven 2 as hboutemy
Contributes to M2Eclipse: Maven Integration for Eclipse
Contributes to MojoHaus
and 26 other projectsContributes to TestNG-Eclipse
Contributes to Equinox
Contributes to Mercurial
and 33 other projectsContributes to Apache Maven 2 as godin
Contributes to MojoHaus
Contributes to Apache Maven SCM as godin
and 13 other projectsContributes to Hudson
Contributes to Apache Maven 2 as stephenc
Contributes to MojoHaus
and 5 other projectsContributes to Apache Subversion
Contributes to Fink
Contributes to The MacPorts Project
and 8 other projectsContributes to jEdit
Contributes to Ruby on Rails
Contributes to UrlRewrite
and 4 other projectsContributes to Apache Maven 2 as dennisl
Contributes to Apache Commons Logging
Contributes to MojoHaus
and 5 other projectsContributes to Mercurial
Contributes to Scala
Contributes to Lift
and 4 other projects