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Commits : Listings

Analyzed 1 day ago. based on code collected 2 days ago.
Jun 13, 2023 — Jun 13, 2024
Commit Message Contributor Files Modified Lines Added Lines Removed Code Location Date
Fixed a crash in calendar parsing when encountering an illegal VEVENT without newlines. More... over 15 years ago
Fixed the Android client when using ProGuard. The ViewfinderView constructor is loaded dynamically by the XML view inflation code, which requires explicitly preserving it. More... over 15 years ago
Made the data members of BitArray public so they will be inlined. This saves about 60,000 function calls per rejected scan. We can make these private again once we figure out the ProGuard problems with -allowaccessmodification. More... over 15 years ago
Looks like -allowaccessmodification to ProGuard results in a bogus binary. It compiles, but the Dalvik verifier rejects it at runtime. I'm removing this flag for now, which means we lose inlining on some important getters and setters. More... over 15 years ago
Added androidtest to the top-level clean target and set it up for ProGuard too. Made both Android builds depend on clean so they work when switching between normal and ProGuard builds, and made install and reinstall use the latest binary instead of recompiling. More... over 15 years ago
Added another target for building a debug key signed Android client, and removed the old optimized target from core. More... over 15 years ago
moved ProGuard optimization into Android build file since it's the only way to fully optimize the final build product (inlining of key methods). Also always dump proguard results. More... over 15 years ago
Made a change to the QR detector which cuts the worst case rejection time from 300 ms to 160 ms, with almost no penalty in decoding ability. Given that we're emphasizing continuous decoding, I feel it's much better to reject the occasional borderline image in half the time, and get on with the next scan. More... over 15 years ago
Inner class elements now not private since it is pointless and confuses Proguard More... over 15 years ago
Add back basic link More... over 15 years ago
Updated the Android benchmark with more accurate timing and better results output. Also fixed walking the tree to use a consistent order to make comparison between the device and emulator easier. More... over 15 years ago
Going back to old approach of using JSR-234 directly, then compiling with different code to produce a non-JSR-234 version. This approach isn't working on some phones -- including JSR-234 phones. More... over 15 years ago
Wrote a benchmark activity for Android which reads images recursively from the SD card, decodes each 10 times, and prints the average time to decode in milliseconds. The UI is extremely minimal, as the results are written to the log, but this is a good start towards measuring our performance under Dalvik on a platform without floating point hardware. This should run fine on the emulator but I haven't tested it yet. More... over 15 years ago
updated app version to 1.0.1 More... over 15 years ago
initialize valarrays with explicit contents (zero) More... over 15 years ago
Added support for a title when searching for an address, for example a business name. Also changed snipppets --> snippet in book search. More... over 15 years ago
Putting the final touches on the 1.1 release. More... over 15 years ago
Add column caching to MonochromeBitmapSources and use it to improve Data Matrix speed More... over 15 years ago
Checked in the ZXing Test app for Android under androidtest. This application exercises all the intents we support including scanning, encoding, and searching books. It also has a special camera mode which saves greyscale images to the SD card which I use to generate blackbox images. More... over 15 years ago
Prepping the CHANGES file for 1.1. More... over 15 years ago
Added versionName and versionCode to the Android client manifest. More... over 15 years ago
The new Android client, featuring: More... over 15 years ago
Removed the old Android client in preparation for the new one. More... over 15 years ago
Reordered the address book fields to something a little more standard/reasonable. More... over 15 years ago
Added support for URL to MECARD and VCARD. More... over 15 years ago
Reformatting and minor code tweaks More... over 15 years ago
Made a change to 1D decoding which looks for 100% instead of 150% of the start and end patterns when searching for quiet zones, but in exchange for that reduction, we reject rows whose quiet zones would run off either edge of the image. More... over 15 years ago
Workaround (I think) for bizarre array corruption problem on Sun WTK and some SE phones More... over 15 years ago
Created 40 new blackbox images which are partial shots of a very large QR code. In mobile mode we do OK, but in try harder we find bogus 1D results in almost half of these. I'm checking this in as a baseline, and will work on improving the situation in a subsequent change. More... over 15 years ago
Added a bit of defensive programming in the AlignmentPattern code. There were real world examples where the width passed to AlignmentPatternFinder was zero, which causes BitArray to throw when built with a size of zero. I'm going a little bit farther and not searching extremely small areas either. More... over 15 years ago