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Commits : Listings

Analyzed about 6 hours ago. based on code collected about 6 hours ago.
Jun 12, 2023 — Jun 12, 2024
Commit Message Contributor Files Modified Lines Added Lines Removed Code Location Date
added admin-xml-class for modul_pages. gets registered by the installer
Stefan Idler
as sidler
More... almost 17 years ago
NEW: list of elements creates rows for installers of elements not yet installed. this means: to install elements provided by the common installer, you don't have to call the installer.php anymore. those elements can be installed right out of the module_pages elements list. (as far as all requirements are given)
Stefan Idler
as sidler
More... almost 17 years ago
new: pages' elements-list searches for installers of elements not yet installed. if found, a row is displayed at the bottom of the page. install-routine to be implemented.
Stefan Idler
as sidler
More... almost 17 years ago
NEW: interface_installer declares getMinSystemVersion(). if a implementation returns any other value then "", the installer checks, if the module_system is installed at least in the requested version. If not, the module / element cannot be installed.
Stefan Idler
as sidler
More... almost 17 years ago
BUG: pe-Tooltips now registered by addLoadEvent ajax-js-files for postacomment are loaded after window.onload, to have them on the clientside when user clicks "post". otherwise an YAHOO-not-defined excpetion stops the script.
Stefan Idler
as sidler
More... almost 17 years ago
NEW: if navi-point uses an image, the imgs' alt-tag is filled with the point-text
Stefan Idler
as sidler
More... almost 17 years ago
BUG: navigation-point replaces _webpath_ in image-paths when set by ""
Stefan Idler
as sidler
More... almost 17 years ago
!!! APICHANGE !!! Moved class_installer_base and interface_installer from /installer to /system this supports using the classic-installer routines when installing elements as addons into the system after having deleted the installer-folder
Stefan Idler
as sidler
More... almost 17 years ago
Updated FCKEditor to 2.4.3
Stefan Idler
as sidler
More... almost 17 years ago
Fixed small JS-Typo
Stefan Idler
as sidler
More... almost 17 years ago
0000173: when no driver object present, the db-class won't try to access the driver in order to close the db connection
Stefan Idler
as sidler
More... almost 17 years ago
added dnd to a number of other lists: module-list, downloads, navigations dnd ignores rows with an empty id -> to be used to generate non-dragable level-up rows / new xx row
Stefan Idler
as sidler
More... almost 17 years ago
NEW: pages flat-list uses the section-iterator
Stefan Idler
as sidler
More... almost 17 years ago
added raw-dragndrop to default-skin
Stefan Idler
as sidler
More... almost 17 years ago
renewed properties
Stefan Idler
as sidler
More... almost 17 years ago
moved messagebox-script to external file dragdrop_tr just fires, if the row was dropped at a differnt position
Stefan Idler
as sidler
More... almost 17 years ago
NEW: js-class to show a status info. animated
Stefan Idler
as sidler
More... almost 17 years ago
BUG: listrows used wrong sysid, so saving failed
Stefan Idler
as sidler
More... almost 17 years ago
systemid won't get lost anymore, wrong constructor called :)
Stefan Idler
as sidler
More... almost 17 years ago
xml-structures for admin-requests continued. the systemid gets lost somewhere :/
Stefan Idler
as sidler
More... almost 17 years ago
Added base-funtionality for admin-xml-class
Stefan Idler
as sidler
More... almost 17 years ago
JS: added support for table-row dragndrop. therefore, the helpers moved to the global admin-script folder. logic for li an tr are in seperate files to load by request. lists in classic skin are tables again to keep the same with for all rows (thx to jaky for this hint)
Stefan Idler
as sidler
More... almost 17 years ago
JS: classic admin skin uses addLoadEvent to register onLoad-Handlers
Stefan Idler
as sidler
More... almost 17 years ago
BUGFIX: scriptloading works in ie too. JS API: use addLoadEvent(..) to add a function to the onload-handler
Stefan Idler
as sidler
More... almost 17 years ago
complete rewrite of js-file inclusion. ie crashes when modifying the dom before having loaded it completly. portal still fails...
Stefan Idler
as sidler
More... almost 17 years ago
dndhelper parses an array of uls. script still crashes ie :(
Stefan Idler
as sidler
More... almost 17 years ago
BUG: Removed unnecessary ',' caused an error in ie
Stefan Idler
as sidler
More... almost 17 years ago
objMover in kajona.js now is rather a namespace than an class-def, classic-skin: dragdrop.js adds curser: move to list entries
Stefan Idler
as sidler
More... almost 17 years ago
NEW: !!!SKINCHANGE!!! Skins need to provide two new sections: dragable_list_header and dragable_list_footer NEW: classic-skin is able to produce drag n dropable lists, as reference implemented in module gallery (ajax-features to save pos still to be implemented) NEW: Admin-Sided js-helper to load yui-js-files, portal loader changed to inline prototype creation
Stefan Idler
as sidler
More... almost 17 years ago
Added YUI Drag n Drop Libs
Stefan Idler
as sidler
More... almost 17 years ago