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Commits : Listings

Analyzed 1 day ago. based on code collected 1 day ago.
Apr 21, 2023 — Apr 21, 2024
Commit Message Contributor Files Modified Lines Added Lines Removed Code Location Date
# v2024.3.26 - ci - Add shell-functions shGitPullrequestCleanup(), shGitPullrequest() to automatically cleanup or create-and-push github-pull-commit to origin/alpha. - jslint - Allow destructuring-assignment after function-definition. - ci - Replace npm-package used to auto-build vscode-plugin, vsce to @vscode/vsce. - test - Update test-function jstestDescribe() to wait awhile for imports to initialize before running tests. - ci - Fix tmpdir in shell-function shBrowserScreenshot(). - vim - Allow installing vim-plugin to any directory, instead of hardcoded to ~/.vim/. - ci - Update github-ci for actions/cache, actions/setup-python from nodejs v16 to nodejs v20. - ci - Update shell-function shRollupFetch() to fix blank date-committed. - ci - bugfix - Fix google-chrome unable to create screenshot because user-data-dir is /dev/null. More... 26 days ago
- ci - bugfix - Fix package.json config-regression breaking ci. More... 29 days ago
- ci - Update shell-function shDirHttplinkValidate() with user-agent-header. More... 29 days ago
- ci - Add shell-functions shGitPullrequestCleanup(), shGitPullrequest() to automatically cleanup or create-and-push github-pull-commit to origin/alpha. More... about 1 month ago
- jslint - Allow destructuring-assignment after function-definition. More... about 1 month ago
- ci - Replace npm-package used to auto-build vscode-plugin, vsce to @vscode/vsce. More... about 1 month ago
- test - Update test-function jstestDescribe() to wait awhile for imports to initialize before running tests. - vim - Allow installing vim-plugin to any directory, instead of hardcoded to ~/.vim/. - part2 More... about 1 month ago
- ci - Fix tmpdir in shell-function shBrowserScreenshot(). More... about 1 month ago
- vim - Allow installing vim-plugin to any directory, instead of hardcoded to ~/.vim/. More... about 1 month ago
- ci - Update github-ci for actions/cache, actions/setup-python from nodejs v16 to nodejs v20. - ci - Update shell-function shRollupFetch() to fix blank date-committed. More... 3 months ago
- ci - bugfix - Fix google-chrome unable to create screenshot because user-data-dir is /dev/null. More... 5 months ago
# v2023.10.24 - jslint - bugfix - Update file jslint_wrapper_vim.vim to fix broken vim-link when linting shell-files. - ci - add custom-shell-ci hooks to script jslint_ci.sh: shCiPublishNpmCustom() shCiPublishPypiCustom() More... 6 months ago
# v2023.8.20 - ci - Remove ci for nodejs-v19, and add ci for nodejs-v20. - ci - Remove broken-links to unlicense.org, failing http-link-check. More... 8 months ago
# v2023.6.21 - doc - Update docs in README.md. More... 9 months ago
# v2023.5.23 - jslint - Check exported properties are ordered. - jslint - Add grammar for "export async function ...". - python - Add shell-function shLintPython(). - jslint - Add grammar for regexp-named-capture-group and regexp-named-backreference. - jslint - Add grammar for side-effect import-statement. - ci - Rename shell-function shRawLibFetch() to shRollupFetch(). - doc - document devop procedures to maintain jslint-repo More... 11 months ago
- jslint - Check exported properties are ordered. - jslint - Add grammar for "export async function ...". More... 11 months ago
- python - Add shell-function shLintPython(). More... 11 months ago
- jslint - Add grammar for regexp-named-capture-group and regexp-named-backreference. More... 12 months ago
- jslint - Add grammar for side-effect import statement. - ci - Rename shell-function shRawLibFetch() to shRollupFetch(). - doc - document devop procedures to maintain jslint-repo More... 12 months ago
# v2023.4.29 - vscode - Add manual lint-on-save command to vscode-jslint extension. - ci - add custom-shell-ci hooks to script jslint_ci.sh: shCiArtifactUploadCustom() shCiBaseCustom() shCiBaseCustom2() shCiLintCustom() shCiLintCustom2() shCiNpmPublishCustom() shCiPreCustom() shCiPreCustom2() - ci - housekeeping of ci-file jslint_ci.sh - ci - update shell-function shGitCommitPushOrSquash() to be able to save to specified filename - ci - remove little-used shell-function shCiBranchPromote() More... 12 months ago
- vscode - Add manual lint-on-save command to vscode-jslint extension. More... 12 months ago
- ci - update .gitignore More... 12 months ago
- ci - add custom-shell-ci hooks to script jslint_ci.sh: shCiArtifactUploadCustom() shCiBaseCustom() shCiBaseCustom2() shCiLintCustom() shCiLintCustom2() shCiNpmPublishCustom() shCiPreCustom() shCiPreCustom2() More... about 1 year ago