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Analyzed about 22 hours ago. based on code collected 1 day ago.
Apr 19, 2023 — Apr 19, 2024
Commit Message Contributor Files Modified Lines Added Lines Removed Code Location Date
- website - move options-ui to top of page after editor-ui More... almost 3 years ago
- doc - add svg changelog. - doc - add svg package-listing. More... almost 3 years ago
- doc - document cli-feature to jslint entire directory. More... almost 3 years ago
remove obsolete ie-era warning about duplicate names for caught-exceptions. (#306) More... almost 3 years ago
- jslint - add eslint-like ignore-directives `/*jslint-disable*/`, `/*jslint-enable*/`, `//jslint-quiet`. (#305) More... almost 3 years ago
Merge pull request #303 from kaizhu256/v2021.5.30 More... almost 3 years ago
## v2021.5.30 - bugfix - fix issue #282 - fail to warn trailing semicolon in `export default Object.freeze({})`. - ci - 100% code-coverage! - ci - auto-update changelog in README.md from CHANGELOG.md. - ci - auto-update version numbers in README.md and jslint.js from CHANGELOG.md. - deadcode - replace with assertion-check in function choice() - `if (char === "|") { warn... }`. - deadcode - replace with assertion-check in function do_function() - `if (mega_mode) { warn... }`. - deadcode - replace with assertion-check in function no_space() - `const at = (free ? ...)`. - deadcode - replace with assertion-check in function no_space() - `if (open) {...}`. - deadcode - replace with assertion-check in function parse_directive() - `} else if (value === "false") {...}`. - deadcode - replace with assertion-check in function supplant() - `return ( replacement !== undefined ?...)`. - jslint - cleanup regexp code using switch-case-statements. - jslint - inline function `activate` into function `action_var`. - jslint - inline-document each deadcode-removal/assertion-check. - jslint - inline-document each warning with cause that can reproduce it - part 2. - tests - inline remaining causal-regressions from test.js into jslint.js - tests - validate inline-multi-causes are sorted. - website - replace links `branch.xxx` with `branch-xxx`. More... almost 3 years ago
Merge pull request #302 from kaizhu256/coverage-100 More... almost 3 years ago
- tests - inline remaining causal-regressions from test.js into jslint.js More... almost 3 years ago
- deadcode - replace with assertion-check in function choice() - `if (char === "|") { warn... }`. - jslint - cleanup regexp code using switch-case-statements. More... almost 3 years ago
- deadcode - replace with assertion-check in function parse_directive() - `} else if (value === "false") {...}`. - deadcode - replace with assertion-check in function supplant() - `return ( replacement !== undefined ?...)`. More... almost 3 years ago
- deadcode - replace with assertion-check in function no_space() - "const at = (free ? ...)". - deadcode - replace with assertion-check in function no_space() - "if (open) {...}". More... almost 3 years ago
- tests - validate inline-multi-causes are sorted. More... almost 3 years ago
- bugfix - fix #282 - fail to warn trailing semicolon in `export default Object.freeze({})`. (#301) More... almost 3 years ago
- ci - auto-update changelog in README.md from CHANGELOG.md. - ci - auto-update version numbers in README.md and jslint.js from CHANGELOG.md. More... almost 3 years ago
Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/beta' into alpha More... almost 3 years ago
- website - replace links `branch.xxx` with `branch-xxx`. More... almost 3 years ago
Add issue templates (#299) More... almost 3 years ago
- deadcode - replace with assertion-check in function do_function() - "if (mega_mode) { warn... }". - jslint - inline function `activate` into function `action_var`. - jslint - inline-document each deadcode-removal/assertion-check. - jslint - inline-document each warning with cause that can reproduce it - part 2. More... almost 3 years ago
Merge pull request #297 from kaizhu256/v2021.5.27 More... almost 3 years ago
## v2021.5.27 - ci - fix expectedWarningCode not being validated. - ci - in windows, disable git-autocrlf. - deadcode - replace with assertion-check in function are_similar() - "if (a === b) { return true }". - deadcode - replace with assertion-check in function are_similar() superseded by id-check - "if (Array.isArray(b)) { return false; }". - deadcode - replace with assertion-check in function are_similar() superseded by is_weird() check - "if (a.arity === "function" && a.arity ===...c". - jslint - add directive `test_internal_error`. - jslint - add directive `unordered` to tolerate unordered properties and params. - jslint - inline-document each warning with cause that can reproduce it - part 1. - style - refactor code moving infix-operators from post-position to pre-position in multiline statements. - website - add hotkey ctrl-enter to run jslint. More... almost 3 years ago
- website - add hotkey ctrl-enter to run jslint. - jslint - add directive unordered to tolerate unordered properties and params. - jslint - add directive test_internal_error. More... almost 3 years ago
- deadcode - replace with assertion-check in function are_similar() - "if (a === b) { return true }". - deadcode - replace with assertion-check in function are_similar() superseded by id-check - "if (Array.isArray(b)) { return false; }". - deadcode - replace with assertion-check in function are_similar() superseded by is_weird() check - "if (a.arity === "function" && a.arity ===...c". More... almost 3 years ago
- style - refactor code moving infix-operators from post-position to pre-position in multiline statements - ci - fix expectedWarningCode not being validated More... almost 3 years ago
- jslint - inline-document each warning with cause that can reproduce it - part 1. - ci - in windows, disable git-autocrlf More... almost 3 years ago
v2021.5.26 (#295) More... almost 3 years ago
## v2021.5.23 - doc - add section Changelog - doc - update README.md with installtion instructions - cli - merge shell-function shJslintCli into jslint.js. - jslint - update default globals with support for "import" - jslint - sort warnings with higher priority for early_stop - jslint - add async/await support - ci - make branch-beta the default branch. - ci - validate non-http/file links in *.md files. - ci - add shell-functions shCiBranchPromote. More... almost 3 years ago
Self contained installation file jslint.js (#293) More... almost 3 years ago
- doc - describe branches master, beta, alpha More... almost 3 years ago
- ci - make branch-beta the default branch. More... almost 3 years ago